81岁,被判刑7年的西藏传统印刷师Paljor Norbu,获国际出版自由奖
一位藏人,在去年,西藏历史上将铭志不忘的2008年,被中国政府指控涉嫌印刷“违禁材料”,从位于拉萨帕廓一带的家中抓走,这天是10月31日,已经寒冷的冬日;数日后,他被秘密判刑7年。当时,他已是81岁高龄的老人。他的名字是Paljor Norbu(中文写为“班觉诺布”)。
Agam's Gecko, December 07, 2008
上個月,「國際聲援西藏運動」報導了一位拉薩的八十一歲傳統印經師被關押了,罪名是印製「違禁材料」。聖城的著名文化人,班覺諾布(Paljor Norbu),在十月三十一日被逮捕了。

Human Rights Watch
China: Free Prominent Tibetan Culture Figure-- Nations Should Protest 7-Year Sentence for 81-Year-Old Printer
December 5, 2008
「只要是有關於圖博的任何材料,沒有中國共產黨明文認可的,都是『違禁材料』,」蘇菲‧理查森(Sophie Richardson),人權觀察亞洲分部主任說。「但沒有人應該為了印製經幡、書籍、圖片就被囚禁,就因為政府想要壓抑那些思想--這就是為什麼言論自由是一項基本人權。」
Tibetan publisher to receive 'International Freedom to Publish' Award
Phayul[Friday, April 17, 2009 14:52]
Paljor Norbu/File photoDharamsala, April 17: Paljor Norbu, an 81-year old Tibetan printer and publisher, who is currently in Chinese custody in Tibet, has been selected as the 2009 recipient of the Jeri Laber International Freedom to Publish Award.
Paljor Norbu, who is currently in custody in Tibet, is being recognized for his commitment to Tibetan culture and publishing in the face of great political obstacles and personal peril over the past half century, the International Freedom to Publish Committee (IFTPC) of the Association of American Publishers (AAP) announced Thursday.
The annual award for Paljor Norbu will be officially presented on April 28 at the PEN Annual Gala at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.
On 31 October last year, six months after major anti-Chinese unrest in the Tibetan capital, Paljor Norbu, a descendant of a family with a long history of printing and publishing Buddhist texts for monasteries, was taken by the police from his home in Lhasa for the fourth time in his long career. He was arrested for allegedly printing “prohibited material,” including the banned Tibetan National flag. Paljor was later tried in secret in November and was sentenced to seven years in prison. His current whereabouts are unknown to his family and friends.
“China’s implacable efforts to subjugate a country, constrain a culture, and subvert freedom of expression are vividly illustrated by the prosecution of Paljor Norbu, who has for seven decades dedicated himself to the preservation of Tibetan culture through his work as a master printer,” said Hal Fessenden, chair of the IFTPC, in announcing the award.
“The IFTPC deplores the violation of China’s own laws in Paljor Norbu’s case – the undefined charges, lack of counsel, secret sentencing, and the refusal to inform the family of his current whereabouts. We join the international community in saluting Paljor Norbu’s determination to protect an endangered culture through his commitment to the written and printed word and call for his exoneration and immediate release.”
The International Freedom to Publish Award recognizes a book publisher outside the United States that has demonstrated courage and fortitude in the face of political persecution and restrictions on freedom of expression. The award is named in honor of Jeri Laber, one of the founding members of the IFTPC and the committee’s professional adviser for the past twenty-five years.
Paljor Norbu is an eighty-one-year-old Tibetan printer and publisher from Lhasa. Although not a writer himself, he has played a crucial role in the preservation of traditional Tibetan publishing techniques and popular religious writings. A descendant of a family with a long history of printing and publishing Buddhist texts for monasteries, Paljor Norbu is renowned as a master printer, widely respected in Lhasa. He uses traditional woodblock printing techniques in his workshop, which employs several dozen workers. In addition to religious texts, the shop prints books, prayer flags, paper rolls for prayer wheels, traditional almanacs, ritual texts, and other items.
One of a tiny group of specialist traditional printers, Paljor Norbu was born in Mongka kyang, in Nyemo Valley, a village southwest of Lhasa, and became an apprentice printer at age eleven. As an adult, in addition to his regular work as a printer in Lhasa for the Tibetan government, he worked with several prominent monasteries to print texts from wooden blocks, and supervised the printing of one set of the 224 volumes of the famous Narthang Tengyur, one of the main editions of the commentaries on the Buddhist canon. He was thirty-one years old in 1959 when a major uprising against Chinese rule occurred. As a secretary of the printers’ guild working under the Tibetan government’s supervision, he was considered a “rebellious person” and put in jail for some period of time. In the sixties and seventies, the Cultural Revolution brought an assault on all traditional and cultural emblems of Tibetan civilization, including religious artifacts and religious texts. Woodblocks were burned, and the printing of anything other than strictly political texts was forbidden. In spite of this, wood-carvers secretly carved and hid a number of blocks. After Mao’s death, in 1976, Paljor Norbu was able to resume his work.
In 1987 the situation in Tibet again deteriorated after a number of demonstrations by Tibetans in Lhasa against Chinese rule. Paljor Norbu was detained twice in the early 1990s on suspicion of supporting the protests or producing illicit literature, but he was released without charge each time.
On October 31, 2008, six months after major anti-Chinese unrest in the Tibetan capital, Paljor Norbu was taken by the police from his home in Lhasa for the fourth time. The arrest took place in the middle of the night, and his family was not told where he was being taken. His shop was closed and his employees were told not to return. Since his detention, the Chinese authorities have not informed his relatives where he is being held, when he was tried, or what charges were levied against him. He is believed to have been accused of printing “prohibited materials,” probably referring to prayers for the Dalai Lama or copies of the Tibetan national flag, which are banned in China. He was tried in secret in November and according to unofficial reports from Lhasa was sentenced to seven years in prison. No information about his health or whereabouts have been provided by the authorities, and his condition since arrest is unknown.
The details of the charges and the verdict have not been made public, but the nature of the initial accusations and the length of the sentence suggest that he was tried on charges of “inciting separatism” (Article 103 of the Criminal Law). This vaguely defined crime has been used repeatedly to silence Tibetans resisting the tight and often arbitrary limits imposed on their freedom of expression by Chinese law. Paljor Norbu’s family has a long history of experiencing such limits: two of his children have already served three years in jail each for nonviolent actions considered to be political and criminal by the state, one for teaching children a forbidden song in 1989, and the other for helping the Karmapa, a high lama, to escape to India in 1999.
81岁就不能判刑? 世界上有这样的规则吗? 美国还是欧洲遵守这样的规则啊?
回复删除Recently, in Ohio one Nazist who is over ~90 years old, will get expelled out US.
中国的法律也是人制定的啊,有人们的状况来改变法律的规则可能啊, 法律本来也是为人而规定的。可不是为了判刑无辜的, 更不是杀人灭口。
回复删除再说, 西藏人不包括中共的法律范围啊, 凭什麽中共的法律被逼惩罚无辜的西藏人啊, 为什么中共暴力和武力镇压西藏人呢。。。我们知道, 中共的法律是为了中国人而制定的, 有中共的法律敢杀中国百姓的历史记录全世界的人们都知道。
还有, 为什么中共政府不需要尊重或者实践国际法律, 比如是人权。 而其它国家凭什麽尊重中共的法律。 简直是 Bullshit.....
老头被抓, 说是印了一些东西,那些东西恰恰违反了中国的法律,听起来很合乎逻辑--违反法律, 在被抓--。 但是什么是违法呢, 这种概念在世界其他的地方,当然不包括朝鲜和苏丹这样的流氓国家,违法的概念是怎么解释的呢。 那老头的案子说开来: 老头被抓了, 说是印刷了一些中国法律所不允许的东西,但什么是中国法律所不允许的东西,概念很笼统。法律所不允许的东西多的很,尤其是在中国。中国人似乎也就那么认了,(没法不认了,因为跟着有枪炮伺候呢)。 所以呢楼上几位良民要想知道什么是中国法律所不允许的,教你们一个最简单的办法去印证。 第一步骤: 你们可以印刷一些关于四川地震中死去的儿童的名单和教学楼的质量问题内部报道,第二步骤: 然后到你们所处国家单位门外贴上,附上“我需要解释”, 第三步骤: 那楼上几位良民就不用劳驾了,国安的会完成第三步骤, 然后在叛个违反中国法律这样一个很笼统的解释。 然后几位良民在看守所就大概可以了解什么是违反中国法律。 中国法律不允许的东西多这呢。
回复删除Recently, in Ohio one Nazist who is over ~90 years old, will get expelled out US.
My freind, that Nazist committed crimes against humanity and responsible for more than 70,000 Jewish deaths, while Paljor Norbu printed and published materials against a govt responsible to millions of Tibetan deaths and continue to commit crimes against the humanity. The Nazist was a criminal but Paljor Norbu opposed the criminals-CCP. That's the difference, my friend.