Petition for the Immediate Release of Professor Ilham Tohti
(原始文本:中文,英文在后。 Original Language Version: Chinese, English version at the end. )
2014年1月15日下午,民族大学维吾尔族学者伊力哈木·土赫提被警察从北京家中带走,并对其家进行两次长达数小时的搜查。迄今伊力哈木下落不明,其妻儿母亲被限制自由。中国外交部发言人在2014年 1月16日宣称伊力哈木涉嫌违法案件。
Petition for the Immediate Release of Professor Ilham Tohti
In the afternoon on January 15, 2014, China’s Minzu University Uighur
scholar Ilham Tohti was taken from his home in Beijing by the police. His home
was also ransacked twice. His whereabouts are unknown to this day. Authorities
have also restricted his wife and mother’s movements. On January 16, 2014, the
spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry said that Tohti was suspected of
committing crimes and violating the law.
Forty-four year old Ilham Tohti is an associate professor of economics
at Minzu University. In 2006, he founded the website Uighur Biz. Despite being
constantly blocked and suppressed, it has become an important window for the
Chinese-speaking world to know about the reality of the Xinjiang situation.
Ilham Tohit has always opposed Xinjiang independence and violence of any kind.
He actively pushes for friendly communication between Uighurs and Chinese. He put his faith of solving the Xinjiang
issue in the Chinese government adjusting its problematic Xinjiang policy.
Because of this, he has criticized the Chinese government’s Xinjiang policy,
and at the same time, proposed various changes. His criticism and suggestions
are all based on serious academic research.
He is regarded by the intellectual community as a precious man who
bridges Uighurs with Chinese, and by the local Xinjiang people as a courageous
representative of Uighurs. In the future, he should be an important civic
leader in solving the Xinjiang issue, and play an irreplaceable role in ethnic
We strongly urge:
1. Chinese authorities to release Ilham Tohti immediately, otherwise,
announce the details of his alleged “crimes.” Authorities should use evidences
to prove the case, rather than criminalizing speech.
2. The police must guarantee to Ilham Tohti individual rights, allowing
a lawyer of his or his family’s choosing to be involved and meet with him. The
police should also withdraw from unlawfully restricting the movements of his
Since the 2008 Lhasa violence to the 2009 Urumqi riots to today, the
failure of China’s ethnic policy is obvious to all. The detention of Ilham
Tohti demonstrates that the Chinese government is continuing its mistakes. The Communist Party’s grip on power is
temporary, but the wellbeing of the Chinese people should be lasting. The
Chinese Communist Party maintains present stability by sacrificing the future
of the people. Every Chinese citizen has the right to hold the Communist party
accountable, taking shared responsibility for the sake of the future of the
country. Citizens of other countries may also pay attention to this event,
because the suffering of the Uighur people is the suffering of all human
beings, and China’s failure could jeopardize the entire world.
By signing the petition, we express our concern over Ilham Tohti!
(Translated by Yaqiu)
Gulnur Osman USA student
David Li Amsterdam Student
Pema Yoko US NGO
Melike.abdul USA Teacher
azat erkin australia tradesman
Norma Lewis UK Retired
李芃萱 臺灣 學生
陳怡婷 Taiwan 工程師
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jack Hekim Canada student
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Tailor Canada PDF
Hamid Jan USA Retiree
Arslan Kokdagi Turkey Business
sultan mahmut usa.virginia self emploement
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Oqya UK IT
Hui Sin Ming Hong Kong Hong Kong Citizen
Tenzin Kalden India Student
Abdulahad Canada Student
古丽 中国 学生
Uwe Stefan Germany Cousultant
mehmet tohti usa insurance broker
kamila USA Student
ihsan norway work
Rayhangul Emet Netherlands Teacher
王迎 瑞典 软件工程师
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Husenjan USA College student
Gulnigar France student
Ayaniishuvuu Mongol Herder
陈维健 纽西兰 编辑
rahime UK Teacher
阿木 澳大利亚墨尔本 自由 撰稿人
余世新 澳洲墨尔本 自业者
Dolkun Isa Germany activist
Alex France Student
Tee Peng USA Self-employed
Laile USA Engineer
刘安军 北京 公民
muhammad zuid holland Den Haag
杲占强 北京 管理
Abdugheni Ubul USA Public Health
Arslan Nederland privatr
Aytıkın USA Education
王小宁 北京 学者
Tashpolat Rozi USA Professor
Jason McCain Australia Work
A. Tohti USA Medical
Nurmemet USA Sr Software Engineer
胡宗仁 广东 医师
hana PRC Stu
谢潞锦 上海 记者
高瑜 北京 独立记者
陈艳玲 北京访民 维权者
Hidayet Zaydun USA N/A
李帅 湖南长沙 销售
Aynur USA Mother
滕彪 中國 人權律師 學者
Miyako Kio Japan Hiroshimaken
Hiroshimasi Hiqashiku Ushitahonmachi 2-6-11 owner,innkeeper
付庆东 山东青岛 工程师
趙宗來 濟南 教授
宋偉國 上海 公司职员
許延峰 澳門 賭場員工
彭浩霖 香港 學生
Karima kunahong Australia Student
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Ayimnisa Dolat Australia Student
Pazilat Abduqadir Australia Student
Aynur Eli Australia Student
Asiya Turdi Australia House wife
Erkin Ekrem 土耳其Hacettepe大學歷史係,安卡拉 教師,副教授
Hasanjan Opal Australia Student
Koh Kawata Japan researcher of sociology
perhat abit holland muzikant
Uyghur Finland Activist
Muzappar Musa Texas Graduate Student
zubair dubai student
伍丞 中国大陆 学生
蔡璐 北京 学生
Sophie Hankes LLM Netherlands Healthcare consultant
远藤晓 日本 技术人员
uyghur Deutschland Dozent
Michael Canada Doctor
Akbar Ibrahim Canada HR Coordinator
Qigang Gao Canada Professor
Rumilya Kassymova Kazakhstan Almaty
xia U.S student
Ilyas East Turkistan student
Almas Norwegian Studen
Kohama Japan Fisherman
Resul Uk Student
Memet sengul Turkiye Avukat
Rassel S Uk S
Ceyda China Teacher
Iltebir Uyguriye Police
Eric Uk Lawyer
Ramzi Cyprus Chef
周平 南京 工程师
Yasin Germany Student
my zhujiang 中国 失业
Nijat Tarim USA los agles Studen
吴龙涛 中国大陆 工程师
阿依古丽 挪威 学生
tursunjan 挪威 个体
Muzappar Musa Houston, Texas Engineer
dilnur netherland doctor
yalkun netherland chef
邓文達 广东 工程师
邓文迪 广东深圳 工程师
何家维 中国湖南 自由撰稿人
Nijat United Kingdom Self-employee
Tony Luo Canada IT
Rushan Australia Environment service
Liu Ying He Bei Gongwuyuan
Dianne Rennack USA Researcher
中村正美 日本 教師
王昊 中国 石家庄 事业单位
Mehmet Turkey Student
王奇 成都 商人
Yakup Norway Student
杜佳 香港 公民
turghunjan mehsut norway imam
廖志豪 中国广东惠州 学生
Daniel China Teacher
阿拉洁 中国北京 学生
王小宁 北京 学者
周维新 日本 教师
Libby Hogarth Australia Migration
yusuf yilmax Turkey teacher
anwar Norge sjåfør
alex 中国 江苏 为自由而战
Yusup fransiye stage
Ugur ozel Uk Student
szlawly 西安 医生
Ugur ozel Uk Student
alim Germany student
Abdulqahar Mirza sweden student
Abdulqahar Mirza sweden student
meiheriban sweden student
Mirin Lavi Meir Germany Freelance writer
刘华 辽宁沈阳市 上访者
Mamatimin Abbas France Scientist
戚惠民 中国杭州 人权活动人士
杨宁 山东 公民
重元 勝 神戸市東灘区住吉山手9-8-16 NPO
卓春祥 中国广西南宁 会计
Sean Liu US Banker
Elif Turkye istanbul Öğrenci
J. Zogorski U.S. Technical writer
Nuzigum United States of America Student
mahire Norway teacher
Hamit Norway vaktmaster
Masatomo Yonezu U.S.A. Student
David Peng China N/A
杨国荣 宁波 教师
Mamtimin Ala Australia Community Service
刘秦 中国 学生
helil US Law
MAJ Sweden worker
aixa saudi wuyi
Shuhrat Turdakhunov Almaty
张玮达 北京 软件工程师
sean wuhan 设计师
Grace Gao Sweden Freelancer
白建强 中国新疆乌鲁木齐市 销售
吴乐宝 澳洲 流亡中
Nebijan Equt Canada QA Specialist
Liz Carter USA Editor
Abdirxit Hasan Canada Flooring
Yusuf osmanjan East Turkistan Busnisess
彭浩 北京 自由职业
赵杰伟 北京 纪录片工作者
Ismail Osmanjan USA Student
XIAOFAN CHINA Writer & Artist
Zubeyre USA Researcher
Abide Australia Teacher
John England enginer
Peride China researcher
汪龙 深圳 公民
陈瑞萍 加拿大 硕士学生
Nika Australia Working
Turdi Ghoja USA Scientist
鄒幸彤 香港 NGO工作者
venus cheng hong kong communications
zulyar turkey tourguide
Tam Sing Lui Hong Kong 廣告從業員
anzira france student
İhsan GUMUS Turkey Journalist
Altungul Memet U.S.A Teacher
Rafael Ilshat Turkey Student
Altungul Memet U.S.A Teacher
abdusalam norway 学生
Mehmutjan Oslo Administrating
Nafisa Vinciwer Teacher
Sabine Neumann Germany Psychotherapist
罗生门 广州 教师
张扬 广东 自由职业者
Tsering Dorje Dharamsala, India Human Rights Reseacher
Janjun France free
bateeh france free
Nur France Avocat