[1] 丹增德勒,藏东康南的一位仁波切,真正践行佛教精神的出家僧侣,却遭到中国政府的政治迫害,于2002年以所谓制造数起爆炸案为名,被判死刑(后改无期徒刑),至今仍在狱中。
Wang Lixiong: Dalai Lama expresses willingness to form a family with uninvited guests
On June 25, 2009 I met the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala. During the course of his talks he once again stressed that he is not looking for independence, explaining it like this:
Frankly speaking, I’m not actually seeking independence. It’s not that I’m against it, or that there’s no way of expressing its acceptability, but from the point of view of benefits to Tibet, non-independence is beneficial to Tibet. Spiritually, Tibet is very rich but it is relatively lacking materially. Staying within China would I think be beneficial to raising the levels of Tibet’s material construction and the material lives of the Tibetan people. I have expressed this point before.
From another aspect, it can be seen that many countries were originally not independent then later became independent, but conditions in the country did not change and there were no changes in people’s lives. Conversely, if it brings ever more conflict and disaster, what does independence such as that mean?
Some countries that have split into different countries have paid a price of blood, and thereby become enemies. They put great amounts of wealth into their military to defend themselves against each other and even go to war. And what good is that to the people of both countries? Some small independent countries face many many problems which they must rely on themselves alone to resolve. In my opinion, it would be better to be in a big family with mutual help and working as one. This is much better for one’s own people.
The problem is that it should truly be a big family. China’s help for Tibet at the moment is only external – it is merely building a home, but one cannot rely solely on a roof and enough to eat to satisfy one’s internal world. Most importantly for Tibetan people’s hearts is their religious faith, but if you look at the fate of Tenzin Delek then you will see the kind of repression that religion in Tibet is under. A doctor who works in Tibet came to see me, and he has a high income and a not bad material life, but every time he thinks about the fate of the Tibetan people and the repression of their hearts, he’d look at me and cry. If the inner world of people’s hearts is not satisfied, problems will never be solved.
A few days ago, a Chinese scholar came to see me and said that the seeds of the incidents that happened in Tibetan areas last year were planted in 1959. Another elder who had come from Amdo explained that the incident last year was an explosion of dissatisfaction that had build up within several generations of Tibetans. The “Gongmeng report” by Chinese civic personages said that the main reason for the incidents happening last year was that China’s internal policies are not rational. And it’s said that several Chinese officials are thinking along these same lines.
I sometimes joke that the Tibet question was not created by us, but by uninvited guests. But if that guest’s home were to become democratic, then the guest would accordingly become reasonable and no longer treat us high-handedly, and would instead help us, and we would no longer be unwilling to receive them. And even though they had not been invited, we could still jointly create a big family.
July 2009, Dharamsala.