这篇文章来自http://www.rangzen.net/2011/07/14/kailash-an-appeal/,对我的《呼吁书:请制止用神山圣湖牟利的“开发”》做了介绍。作者艾略特·史伯岭( Elliot Sperling),是国际著名藏学家,美国印第安纳大学中亚研究系西藏研究计划的主任。感谢友人WY的翻译。
文/艾略特·史伯岭( Elliot Sperling)
当人们在中国尤其是图伯特的佛教圣地发现了旅游价值,事情恶化之快真让人刮目相看。在唯色著名的博客里,她写了两篇文章讲述发生在承德——清朝满人的夏都——的可悲现状。十八世纪的布达拉宫和扎什伦布寺的复制品里,中国的假行僧们正在对中国游客之于佛教特别是藏传佛教的粗俗误解投其所好。的确,这不是在图伯特,但仍然是一个令人压抑的例子,关于一个本来神圣的历史遗迹的商业化。(其中一篇博客的英文翻译可以在High Peaks Pure Earth 网站找到)
Kailash: An Appeal
By Elliot Sperling
Thursday, Jul 14, 2011No Comment
Sometimes one wants to rub one’s eyes in disbelief at how degrading things seem to become when someone in China discovers tourism value in particular Tibetan Buddhist sites. On her indispensable blog Woeser has written two posts about the sad state of affairs at Chengde, the Manchu summer capital, where the 18th-century replicas of Tashilhunpo and the Potala now host Chinese pseudo-monks who cater to (mostly Chinese) tourists’ vulgar misconceptions about Buddhism in general and Tibetan Buddhism in particular. Agreed, the site is not in Tibet. But it is nevertheless a depressing example of the commodification of what would otherwise be considered a sacred historical site (one of the blog posts is available in English over at High Peaks, Pure Earth).
Now comes word, again thanks to Woeser, that the already lamentable roadway being constructed right by the traditional circumambulation route around Mt. Kailash will be widened to allow for use by motor vehicles of all sizes, all as part of a major tourist development of the area. Just thinking about the representation of Buddhism at Chengde, one can imagine the newly hired guides at Kailash explaining that a ride around the sacred mountain is believed by Buddhists to bring one wealth and riches…
The private stock offer plan for 2010 of the Tibet Tourism Company Ltd., which specifically uses the development of the Kailash region for tourism purposes as bait for investors seeking market profits has been posted by Woeser. But the degradation of this religious site for the benefit of Chinese investors is not simply another insult for Tibetans to bear; it is a slap too at Indian pilgrims who also venerate Kailash as the abode of Śiva and visit and circumambulate it.
Woeser draws on Wang Lixiong’s description in Tianzang of Tibet as an immobile body, helplessly picked apart by birds of prey, to represent Tibetan impotence in the face of the blatant milking of Tibetan religious culture for financial gain. Her appeal for a halt to the development of the Kailash region (and the region of Tso Mapham) for monetary profit has received some notice abroad, but in view of the environmental and cultural debacle foreshadowed by these development plans, more concern is urgently needed.
呼吁书:请制止用神山圣湖牟利的“开发” http://woeser.middle-way.net/2011/07/blog-post_2345.html
degewa: 正是让炯,正是让炯的曼陀罗。你知道让炯啊。只是冈仁波钦,冈就是雪山的意思,冈仁波齐意即雪山中的珍宝。
dographer :如果不是中国对西藏的控制,象冈仁波齐和玛旁雍错这样的庞大景观恐怕早已会被联合国教科文组织认定为人类自然遗产了,虽则还是不能彻底杜绝开发,但至少不会猖狂到在山上修公路这样的地步
回复删除@岡仁嘛呢:山有山神,树有树神,水有水神,海有龙王,我们把自然生态破坏的时候,得罪这些鬼神,鬼神是凡夫,他有烦恼,有怨恨,你破坏了他的居住环境,他就想着报复,就造成我们现在称的自然灾害。“当我们将化育万物的大地糟蹋得遍体鳞伤的时候,大地必将复仇” 玉树州一位教师在当年地震发生后如是说道。
@中国神山志愿者之家 任老师继续说爱护环境。很多来阿里旅游的朋友会顺道去班公措游览,班公措湖里有鱼湖上有鸟湖边雪山环绕美不胜收。藏人不吃鱼,但近年越来越多人到班公措吃鱼,湖边甚至卖全鱼宴,高海拔地区的鱼生长极其缓慢,捕捞速度远高于鱼类生长速度,严重破坏生态平衡。请不要以吃过班公措的鱼为荣!下图来自网络
晋美措芳芳:西藏阿里 转山路上,遇见一群来自藏医学校的学生自发组织在冈仁波齐的转山路上捡垃圾。跟其中一个男孩聊了聊,不知道他叫什么,我没有问。只知道他们每隔一段时间就会上山拾垃圾,神山是需要保护的,敬佩这些可爱的人。这是男孩下山前和我们告别时拍的,灿烂的笑容,纯净的心灵。
西藏阿里 西藏三大圣湖之一的玛旁雍错 在湖边来自印度的朝圣者。在他们的信仰中,冈仁波齐(kailashi)也是他们的宇宙中心,玛旁雍措也是他们的圣湖,他们来这里沐浴祷告,第二天去转山,有的印度人甚至倾其一生的财富来西藏转神山圣湖,甚至死在路上也不后悔。