今天上午,我接受了德国新闻社(German Press Agency dpa)有关冈仁波齐神山遭到旅游开发的电话采访。以下是这篇报道:
Tibetan writer urges protection of Asia's holiest peak
Jul 12, 2011, 11:24 GMT
Jul 12, 2011, 11:24 GMT
Beijing - A prominent Tibetan writer on Tuesday appealed for better environmental and cultural protection of Asia's holiest peak, Mount Kailash, from rapidly developing commercial tourism.
'I think the current tourism model has destroyed Tibet, destroyed the environment,' Tsering Woeser told the German Press Agency dpa by telephone.
'There are two problems: mining and tourism,' Woeser said. 'Tibetans believe that Tibet's natural environment is endangered, including sacred mountains.'
Kailash is in the far west of the Tibet Autonomous Region, close to China's Himalayan borders with Nepal and India.
The government has improved roads and opened a new airport near the 6,675-metre mountain last July with two flights weekly from the regional capital, Lhasa.
Expensive tickets have so far limited the number of travellers using the new Gunsa Airport, which the government aims to expand to an annual capacity of 120,000 passengers by 2020.
'But it will be an important part of the future tourism development of the Kailash area,' Woeser said of the airport.
For centuries, only a few hardy tourists have joined the hundreds of Buddhist, Hindu, Jain and Tibetan Bon pilgrims who trek to Kailash.
Tourists usually reach the area by crossing mountain passes from India or Nepal, or by road from Lhasa.
The airport expansion is part of a government plan to create a new Sacred Mountain Holy Lake Scenic Area around Kailash and the nearby Lake Manasarovar.
The plans include upgrading the main road from Lhasa and building hotels and restaurants near Kailash.
A cross-country race following the 57-kilometre kora, or pilgrims' path, around the mountain is scheduled for early August, including up to 15 teams plus crews from state television.
'Please stop using the sacred mountain and holy lake for commercial development,' Woeser called her blog posting this week on the race and development plans.
The government has suspended or restricted foreign tourism to Tibet several times since violent protests against Chinese rule erupted in Lhasa in early 2008.
But Kailash and other areas of Tibet have still reported rises in the number of visitors, mainly because of a rapid increase in Chinese tourists.
State media said Tibet received some 6 million tourists last year, a number forecast to rise to some 7.5 million this year and up to 15 million by 2020. Much of the increase was spurred by the opening of the first rail link to Lhasa in 2006.
China has already developed several Tibetan areas into major tourist destinations, such as Lhasa and the official Shangri-la tourist town in Yunnan province.
The Communist Party said it has improved the economies of poor and remote areas by attracting tourists from China's affluent cities.
Yet supporters of Tibetan exiles argued that the development largely benefits China's Han ethnic majority and rides roughshod over Tibetan culture and religion.
In an earlier interview, Woeser said the new fashion for Tibet among Chinese people was 'like the feeling towards a pet.'
The Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan Buddhist leader, has accused China of 'cultural genocide' in Tibetan areas.

以下图片为即将进行的环绕冈仁波齐神山的越野赛,来自“北京极度体验户外探险运动有限公司”网站 http://www.exbear.com/community/group/event.aspx?tid=20952:
Beijing - A prominent Tibetan writer on Tuesday appealed for better environmental and cultural protection of Asia's holiest peak, Mount Kailash, from rapidly developing commercial tourism.
'I think the current tourism model has destroyed Tibet, destroyed the environment,' Tsering Woeser told the German Press Agency dpa by telephone.
'There are two problems: mining and tourism,' Woeser said. 'Tibetans believe that Tibet's natural environment is endangered, including sacred mountains.'
Kailash is in the far west of the Tibet Autonomous Region, close to China's Himalayan borders with Nepal and India.
The government has improved roads and opened a new airport near the 6,675-metre mountain last July with two flights weekly from the regional capital, Lhasa.
Expensive tickets have so far limited the number of travellers using the new Gunsa Airport, which the government aims to expand to an annual capacity of 120,000 passengers by 2020.
'But it will be an important part of the future tourism development of the Kailash area,' Woeser said of the airport.
For centuries, only a few hardy tourists have joined the hundreds of Buddhist, Hindu, Jain and Tibetan Bon pilgrims who trek to Kailash.
Tourists usually reach the area by crossing mountain passes from India or Nepal, or by road from Lhasa.
The airport expansion is part of a government plan to create a new Sacred Mountain Holy Lake Scenic Area around Kailash and the nearby Lake Manasarovar.
The plans include upgrading the main road from Lhasa and building hotels and restaurants near Kailash.
A cross-country race following the 57-kilometre kora, or pilgrims' path, around the mountain is scheduled for early August, including up to 15 teams plus crews from state television.
'Please stop using the sacred mountain and holy lake for commercial development,' Woeser called her blog posting this week on the race and development plans.
The government has suspended or restricted foreign tourism to Tibet several times since violent protests against Chinese rule erupted in Lhasa in early 2008.
But Kailash and other areas of Tibet have still reported rises in the number of visitors, mainly because of a rapid increase in Chinese tourists.
State media said Tibet received some 6 million tourists last year, a number forecast to rise to some 7.5 million this year and up to 15 million by 2020. Much of the increase was spurred by the opening of the first rail link to Lhasa in 2006.
China has already developed several Tibetan areas into major tourist destinations, such as Lhasa and the official Shangri-la tourist town in Yunnan province.
The Communist Party said it has improved the economies of poor and remote areas by attracting tourists from China's affluent cities.
Yet supporters of Tibetan exiles argued that the development largely benefits China's Han ethnic majority and rides roughshod over Tibetan culture and religion.
In an earlier interview, Woeser said the new fashion for Tibet among Chinese people was 'like the feeling towards a pet.'
The Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan Buddhist leader, has accused China of 'cultural genocide' in Tibetan areas.

以下图片为即将进行的环绕冈仁波齐神山的越野赛,来自“北京极度体验户外探险运动有限公司”网站 http://www.exbear.com/community/group/event.aspx?tid=20952:
回复删除HeQinglian 请关注唯色相关文章,不能再掠夺西藏生态资源了,因为那是殆害人类自身的恶行蠢行。RT @degewa:今日【博】德国新闻社:藏人作家呼吁保护亚洲最神圣的高峰is.gd/zQetwk 今天上午,我接受了德国新闻社有关冈仁波齐神山遭到旅游开发的电话采访…
HeQinglian 唯色《正在“开发”冈仁波齐神山的北京公司》 bit.ly/lr9ezM 读唯色此文时,我正在DC开会。我很痛心地说,国人当中的大多数连自己生存的土地都肆意蹂躏,不敢指望我们能够保护藏地,但我们还是要做西西法斯,要不断地呼吁,要不断地讲。
《一座西藏聖山之旅》(To a Mountain in Tibet)。作者旅行文學作家柯林.施伯龍(Colin Thubron)。精装本的封面图片是雅鲁藏布江大峡谷,平装本的封面图片是冈仁波齐。提醒我了,西方人把冈仁波齐叫做喀拉斯(Mt. Kailas )。http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/view-iworld/article?mid=2007
来源:西藏旅游商务网 作者:本站收集 时间:2009-02-08
从塔青(HB 4700)开始,进入拉曲峡谷(Lhachu Valley),峡谷进口不远就是“双腿佛塔”,所说有罪的人不可通过。“双腿佛塔”是转山道上的一标志性建筑。佛塔的双腿之间形成一门形通道,传说这是“冈底斯神山之门” 从它的两条腿之间穿过会得到神的保佑,而有罪的人则无法通过。这里海拔4750。双腿佛塔右侧不远,峭壁下的草甸上立有一高耸的旗杆(高20米),上挂阿里法王大经旗,又称为“噶丹疯旗”,是为了纪念公元1681年噶丹泽旺率部击溃森巴人的入侵而建。每年的藏历4月15日,阿里地方数万百姓都会汇聚于此,举办极为隆重的换旗仪式。这一天又被称为“阿里聚众之日”是神山和附近塔钦乡最为重要和热闹的一天。双腿佛塔和大经旗所在的大草甸一带,又称为“色雄”,传说就是佛祖和五百罗汉曾经加持过的“五百罗汉聚盆”。
然后到曲古寺(HB 4860),再到止热寺(HB 5210),从塔青到这里,20公里,大约6小时的路程,海拔升高500米,难度不大。
止热寺(HB 5210)开始到卓玛拉山口(Dolma La, HB5640),5公里,海拔升高500米,急上,坡度很抖,约60度左右。是绝大多数驴友认为最难的一段。当中会经过天葬台(HB 5330米,Silwutsel Charnel Ground)满山坡都是衣服、布条覆盖的玛尼堆。这些代表着一次象征性的死广,信徒们认为滴上一滴血或留下一缕头发效果会更好。
卓玛拉山口(HB5640)到门曲(HB 5000左右)5公里下山路的坡度近乎直下,须格外小心,这是整个转山路途中最为危险的一段。下山途中,往下看,山口南面是碧绿如玉的托吉错(5608米),意为慈悲湖。传说在此湖中沐浴,能洗净身上的污垢和孽障。
祖楚寺之后,路窄,大都沿着悬崖边。Very Easy, 2-3小时后到达塔青。
如计划一天转完,请早起,最好5点左右出发,水带够,则一定能走回。并记得,在遇到帐篷补给点时,一定喝点酥油茶、吃碗热泡面、补充饮用水。但请记住:一定要带灯光效果好的照明设备。从卓玛拉下山抵达门曲后(HB 5000米),有住处,但很简陋,会漏风,晚上很冷。是否要继续走下去,要想好,过沼泽地到达楚祖寺,起码需要再走3个小时,从门曲到塔青则起码需要6个小时,而阿里的9月底10月初,21之后,天就全黑了。实在不行,也请在楚祖寺庙过夜,这的铺位是25元/床,尽量不要摸黑前行。