
图:新改名的Minzu University of China. 的英文网页。请注意网页上改名的公告。
【作者】High Peaks Pure Earth(藏人)
今日在日常的英语里使用来自中文的词汇,是相当普通的一件事--我们谈论feng shui(风水),做做qi gong(气功),或者调养yin and yang(阴阳)。我们需要这些词汇来描写英文的语言与文化中没有的物品或观念--如losing face(丢脸)。现在,假如中国政府得逞的话,这一串来自中国的外来语名单中,又要增加一个字了。
High Peaks Pure Earth在2008年12月10日收到了一封E-mail,其中非常若无其事地写道:“亲爱的朋友们,我们备感荣幸地通知你,从2008年11月20日开始,我们大学的英文名字从原来的"the Central University of Nationalities"改为"Minzu University of China" (MUC)。”
High Peaks Pure Earth的读者也许有兴趣知道这家大学这一次改名,已经是1941年创校以来第三次改名了。1941年它是叫Yan'an Institute of Nationalities(延安民族学院),配合“新中国”的诞生,1951年搬到北京,而在1993年重新命名为the Central University for Nationalities。现在它又改名为the Minzu University of China。但在中国,这家学府只曾有过两个名字,中央民族学院(Zhongyang Minzu Xueyuan),以及中央民族大学(Zhongyang Minzu Daxue)。Zhongyang英译了就是Central,Minzu下文再讨论。Xueyuan意谓着Institute或Academy,而Daxue的英译就是University。以博伊(藏文)来讲,这家大学是叫(mi rigs slob grwa),mi rigs是人民之意,而slob grwa意思是学校(不论哪一类)。后来这家学校改成大学时,Chen mo就加上去,就是大的意思。
北京的这家The Minzu University of China,在自己的网站描述自已拥有“高质量、高水平、代表许多族群背景的师资。一万五千名全日制学生之中,有70%是少数族群。学校堪称中华民族大家庭的缩影,是中国唯一一所包括中国全部五十六个民族师生的大学,五十六个民族的多元文化在这里和谐共融。”他们也招收想要学中文的外国学生,假如读者想要了解该大学并到那里读书的话,可以看看这支非常有趣的招生录像带。(http://www.study-in-china.org/school/Beijing/cun/)
这所大学目前也有六百位博巴(藏人)学生在这里读书,是中国首都藏人最高度集中的所在地,他们大部份都是在研究藏学。过去,一些最优秀的学者都曾在MUC教过书,包括东噶•洛桑赤列(Dungkar Lobsang Trinley)、才旦夏茸(Tseten Shabdrung)、毛尔盖•桑木旦(Muge Samten),以及钦饶维色(Kyenrab Woeser)。今日,两位非常有名的博巴学者,来自安多的才让太(Tsering Thar),与来自康区的土登彭措(Thupten Phuntsog)在这里教学,也深受学生爱戴。从这里毕业的著名博巴校友,有端智嘉(Dhondup Gyal),还有在自由亚洲电台与华府的美国之音的藏语部门工作的大部份人员,都是从这里毕业的!而研究图伯特(西藏)的顶尖中国学者,如杨恩洪与陈庆英都曾在这里学习与教书。
所以,为什么这个学校名字里的Minzu不再被翻译成英文了呢?北京的各主要大学,或可比拟为“中国长春藤”的精英学府,其名字都直接翻译成有点怪的英文,从听起来非常有个性的Peking University(北京大学),到听起来极度荒唐的Beijing Normal University(北京师范大学【2】)。其他大部份都是十分平常的名字,如Univeristy of Science and Technology(北京科技大学),Beijing Foreign Studies University(北京外国语大学),China Central Academy of Fine Arts(中国中央美术学院)。
但对于中国政府来说,他们独特的“Nationality”观念很难向外界传达。今日在中国所使用的Minzu背后的历史背景,起源于1950年的Minzu Shibie(民族识别)--中央政府所进行的一项调查,好决定中国境内不同的族群分类。那就是,今日所谓的汉民族与五十五个少数民族组成和谐大家庭的初始,有五十五个族群团体都是经由这个调查而被确认并且进入官方语言的。这些Minzu团体统被称为少数民族,翻译成英文则为ethnic minority。
然而对于中华人民共和国里的各个族群的人,民族主义却是严禁的场域。2008年, 中国政府一手镇压博巴对他们的民族情感的表达--突然之间,每个汉人也都知道图伯特国旗看起来是什么样子了(即使国家媒体欲盖弥彰地称之为‘雪山狮子旗 ’);另一手则举办奥运会,加强他们自己的国家认同与民族骄傲。所以,如果汉人可以允许表达他们的民族主义,为什么其他的族群不能呢?而这个问题的答案, 如果能简单到将Minzu这个字眼硬塞给不知中国奸计的世界,那就好了。
中国为了政治目的,而创造、强迫别人接受新的词汇,这也不是第一回了。最明显的例子,就是藏文里的。因为在藏文中有一个词可以指称Tibet(Bod),而有一个词是用来指称中国(“加那”),而没有一个词可以指称包含图伯特领土的中国。所以中国政府官方使用了这个字krung go,就是中国 (Zhong guo)的直接藏文翻译。虽然这个字眼与概念以前在藏文里不存在,但现在已经存在了。有趣的是,以中文写作的博巴博主们拒绝使用中文里对Tibet的指称--西藏,因为西藏所指的只是西藏自治区。博主们使用图伯特 (Tubo),有时候甚至只有中文的博(bo),听起来比较接近藏语里的Bod。博主们也不屑中文描述Tibetan的方式--藏族(zang zu),因为这两字所隐含的是一个族群(zu这个字跟Minzu里的zu是同样的),反而采用博巴这两个字,而在博盖(藏话)里,其意义就是a Tibetan person的意思。
有时候,某些词汇与概念就是得用原来的语言才能表达,例如“shoah”(希伯来语的“浩劫”之意,指犹太大屠杀)、“apartheid”(南非语,指黑人白人隔离制度),或者“Satyagraha”(印度语,指圣雄甘地的不合作主义)。然而,Minzu却 没有前述这些概念的重要份量--它只单纯地指涉中国政府所认为、又呈现给世人的那种,包括多个族群的一个快乐大家庭的整体意识形态与观念。一家大学的改 名,看起来好像不是世界末日,但这却是经过精心算计的动作,好先在表面的语言层次上先得到他国的接受,以赢得正当性,而这就是整个偷天换日、偷渡概念的开 端。
所以北京政府未来又要给我们带来什么样的改变呢?我们已经有了Minzu Hotel(民族饭店),而隔壁的Cultural Palace of the Minorities(民族文化宫)可以改名为Minzu Cultural Palace。而Nationalities Park(英语字面或可直译为各国人民园,然而实指北京的中华民族园)也许也会改名为Minzu Park等等。下一趟去中国的时候,准备好面对Minzu这个词哦,我们已经警告你了!
但就像你说的,对中国政府来说,这个词汇在英文里有其他含义,不是中国政府的原意--它还蕴涵了一个也许有自己国家的国民。这个事实似乎一直要到1994年中国的国家领导人才领悟到,而第二年他们就发出命令,所有的官方英译(与其他的同源语言)之中,"Minzu"这个词不得再使用"nationalities"的翻译,而必须始用"ethnic"这个字。而原来的State Nationalities Commission(国家民族委员会)也因此而变成了State Ethnic Afffairs Commission。这对中国很有用了,一些西方学者在1990年代早期就很帮忙地解释了,西方国家里也有许多不同的种族群体与族群紧张情形。许多听话的西方学者、作家、生意人与其他赶流行的人,因此好心好意地使用"ethnic"这个词来省得中国还必须解释它复杂历史主张的各种尴尬,彷佛他们也都收到党的命令,讲英文时必须如何如何一样。所以现在中国开始自称自己是个"multiethnic state"(多元族群国家)。学者乌拉丁‧布拉克(Uradyn Bulag)对于这一点写了很深入的文章,并且注意到a nationality(民族)的定义大幅地变更了,不只是中国人强加的名称而已。这些都与费孝通提案所引起的争议有关,他认为"zhonghua minzu"(中华民族)或者中华的大族群可以包涵所有的小族群。现在也还有一个运动是要称呼中国为一个多元文化的国家。
而早从1980年代早期开始,中国官方早就开始有类似的努力了,希望让外国人在称呼中国人时--意谓着种族的中国人,而不是中华人民共和国公民--为Han Chinese(汉裔中国人)。这是因为后者暗示的是,不是所有的中国人在种族上都是汉人(这样的说法为真),所以可以有所谓的“藏族中国人”、“蒙古族中国人”等等。所以中国官方听到老外不说“汉人”而说“中国人”时,就会非常生气,似乎英文的"Chinese"这个字好似没有数个世纪以来都意谓着汉族人一样。也不意外的是,许多外国人也喜欢遵守这些中国官方的指示,在想要指称“中国人”时,使用"Han"这个词,假装他们对于这些词汇的选择所携带的政治意涵都一无所知一样。
图:从the Minzu University of China的网站上截取的图片。请注意在下图中穿着图伯特服饰的快乐Minzu。

回复删除Normal University又不是中国一家的发明
Normal school
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A historic marker commemorating Florence State Teachers College in the United States, now the University of North Alabama, the oldest state-supported teachers college south of the Ohio River.A normal school was a school created to train high school graduates to be teachers. Its purpose was to establish teaching standards or norms, hence its name. Most such schools are now called teachers colleges; however, in some places, the term normal school is still used.
In 1685, Saint John Baptist de La Salle, founder of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, founded what is generally considered the first normal school, the École Normale, in Reims. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, normal schools in the United States and Canada trained primary school teachers, while in Europe, normal schools educated primary, secondary and tertiary-level teachers.[1] The first public normal school in the United States was founded in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 1839. It operates today as Framingham State College.
In the United States, the function of normal schools has been taken up by undergraduate and graduate schools of education; the schools themselves were upgraded to universities focused on meeting the needs of the region in which they were located. Many famous universities, such as the University of California, Los Angeles were founded as normal schools. In Canada, such institutions are typically part of a university as the Faculty of Education offering a one- or two-year Bachelor of Education program. It requires at least three (usually four) years of prior undergraduate studies.
Contents [hide]
1 History
1.1 In Europe
1.2 In Asia
1.3 In the United States
1.4 In Latin America
2 See also
3 References
4 External links
[edit] History
The term "normal school" originated in the early 19th century from the French école normale. The French concept of an "école normale" was to provide a model school with model classrooms to teach model teaching practices to its student teachers.[2] The children, the teachers of the children, the student teachers, and the teachers of the students were all together in the same building. Although a laboratory school, it was the official school for the children—primary or secondary.
[edit] In Europe
In Finland, normal schools are under national university administration, whereas most schools are administered by the local municipality. A normal school is the official school of the children. Teacher aspirants do most of their compulsory trainee period in normal schools and teach while being supervised by a senior teacher.
In France, a two-tier system developed since the Revolution : primary school teachers were educated at départemental écoles normales, high schools teachers at the Écoles normales supérieures. Nowadays all teachers are educated in instituts universitaires de formation des maîtres. The Écoles Normales Supérieures in France and the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa no longer specialize in teacher training.
[edit] In Asia
ECNU, the first Normal University in ChinaThe terminology is still preserved in the official translations of such schools in both the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China since the early 20th century, East China Normal University being the first. A Chinese normal university (Chinese: 師範大學; pinyin: shīfàn dàxué, abbreviated 師大; shīdà) is usually controlled by the national or provincial government.
In Taiwan, the two national normal universities (one in Taipei and another in Kaohsiung) prepared secondary school teachers (although they have become de facto liberal arts universities in the late 20th century). There were also about ten Taiwanese provincial teachers colleges (Chinese: 師範學院; pinyin: shīfàn xuéyuàn, abbreviated 師院; shīyuàn, literally "normal colleges") that originated as normal schools established by the Japanese. After the Chinese took over the island, they were renamed provincial normal schools before becoming provincial teachers colleges. In the early 1990s, these teachers colleges came under national control and by the mid-2000s were all renamed "universities of education" (教育大學) or simply "universities" to signify their comprehensive training.
In Naga City, the Philippines, one can find the oldest normal school for girls in the Far East, the Universidad de Santa Isabel. It is a sectarian school run by the Daughters of Charity.
[edit] In the United States
Historic Wesleyan Hall in Florence, Alabama, site of the first state-supported normal school established south of the Ohio River and now part of the University of North Alabama. Florence Normal School is one of many state normal schools that developed into four-year state teachers colleges and eventually into comprehensive state universities.The first normal school in the United States was founded in Concord, Vermont by Reverend Samuel Hall in 1823. Sixteen years later the first state-funded normal school was founded in Lexington Massachusetts, thanks largely to the efforts of education reformers such as Horace Mann and James G. Carter.[3] That school, known today as Framingham State College, is the oldest, continuously operated public normal school in the United States. In 1823, a school known simply as The Columbian School, the first of its kind in the United States, opened in Concord, Vermont; Influenced by similar academies in Prussia and elsewhere in Europe, they were intended to improve the quality of the burgeoning common school system by producing more qualified teachers.
The first normal school west of the Appalachian Mountains in the United States was the Michigan State Normal School, now Eastern Michigan University. It was created by legislative action in 1849 and opened in Ypsilanti, Michigan in 1853.[4] Harris-Stowe State University, now a state university in Missouri, was founded by the St. Louis public school system in 1857 and claims to be the oldest normal school west of the Mississippi River. The first state-authorized normal college to open west of the Mississippi River was Winona State Normal School, now called Winona State University. Opening in 1858, its creation was one of the first acts of the newly-formed Minnesota Legislature.
The State of Illinois passed an act to establish a normal school on 18 February 1857, and proposals were submitted to locate the new school in Batavia, Bloomington, Peoria, and Washington (in Tazewell County). Bids were opened by the State Board of Education in Peoria on 7 May 1857 and the offer from Bloomington, Illinois, was accepted. The normal school was located near the village of North Bloomington, which later was renamed Normal in honor of the school. The school, originally known as Illinois State Normal University (ISNU), is now known as Illinois State University.
The first normal school in what is now considered the Southwest was opened in 1879 as Sam Houston Normal Institute (now Sam Houston State University). Finally, the first state-run normal school on the West Coast was the Minns Evening Normal School, created in 1857 to train teachers for San Francisco's schools. It was taken over by the State of California in 1862 and became the California State Normal School (now San Jose State University).
The Lowry Normal School Bill of 1910 authorized two new normal schools in Ohio—one in the northwestern, another in the northeastern parts of the state. The Lowry bill was the last of numerous measures that had been proposed and defeated over several years to meet the urgent need for professionally trained elementary teachers in the northern half of the state. Ohio was one of the last states to provide professional training for its elementary teachers. Not until 1902 did the state’s oldest schools—Ohio University and Miami University—get colleges of education. The Ohio State University (OSU) had to wait until 1907. This predisposed all three, but especially so OSU, to treat any new schools as rivals. Moreover, those institutions were sprinkled across the mostly rural and small-town southern half of the state, where the fulcrum of political power had shifted after the death, in 1904,of Cleveland’s political boss Mark Hanna. Yet the greatest need for trained teachers was in the school systems popping up in the increasingly urbanized and industrialized northern half, which was also the most populous and prosperous. Political conflicts springing from sectional rivalry and competition for state funds, favor, and preeminence would shape much of the history of the Kent School.[citation needed] One of the oldest normal schools in Ohio was National Normal University in Lebanon, Ohio which opened in 1855.
[edit] In Latin America
Early normal schools in Latin America include several in Mexico, such as the Escuela Normal de Enseñanza Mutua de Oaxaca (1824), the Escuela Normal Mixta de San Luis Potosí (1849), the Normal de Guadalajara (1881), and the Escuela Normal para Profesores de Instrucción Primaria (1887). The Mexican normal school system was nationalized and reorganized by the Secretaría de Educación Pública (Secretariat of Public Education) under José Vasconcelos in 1921.
Perhaps the oldest continually operating normal school in Latin America is the Escuela Normal Superior José Abelardo Núñez, founded in Santiago, Chile, in 1842 as the Escuela de Preceptores de Santiago under the direction of the emininent Argentine educator, writer, and politician Domingo Faustino Sarmiento. The first normal school in the Dominican Republic was founded in 1875 by Puerto Rican educator and activist Eugenio María de Hostos.
On 1938 the Escuela Normal Juan Demóstenes Arosemena was founded in Santiago de Veraguas, Panama.
In Colombia, normal schools were primarily associated with women's religious schools although in modern times have admitted men, thus forming escuelas normales mixtas (mixed normal schools).
[edit] See also
List of Normal Schools by Country
回复删除其实,中国大学里面,类似于北京大学被叫做peking university,清华大学都被叫做tsinghua university,那是因为采取了49年前的拼音方案的结果。前几年还有人批评这二所学校,认为应当改名Beijing University和Qinghua University,但是最后还是不了了之。
其实比较有意思的是中国人民大学的翻译方法,我刚刚看了人民大学的网站,他们是采取二种翻译方法,Renmin University和People's University 并列,但是以前者为主。
词典翻译方法有二种,一是保持发音,二是保持含义。地名上多保持前者,如果为了保持含义的话,北京大学应该被翻译成Northern capital University。
楼上,看清楚了。作者是High Peaks Pure Earth,译者是台湾悬钩子。
回复删除中国为了政治目的,而创造、强迫别人接受新的词汇,这也不是第一回了。最明显的例子,就是博伊里的。因为在博伊中有一个词可以指称Tibet(Bod),而有一个词是用来指称中国(“加那”),而没有一个词可以指称包含图博领土的中国。所以中国政府官方使用了这个字krung go,就是中国 (Zhong guo)的直接博伊翻译。虽然这个字眼与概念以前在博伊里不存在,但现在已经存在了。
回复删除对于翻译来说,如果英语里没有直接对应的词能翻译一个汉语词,那造一个词是正常的措施。yin,yang,tofu等等都是这样,minzu也是一样,因为中国的“民族”和英语的 ethic groups确实含义不同。
回复删除大民族主义的膨胀,大汉族主义的具体体现,大民族帝国主义在文化和政治上的具体执行,如西藏电视台写成xztv 一样如出一辙,看来中国的民族主义情绪从政治渗透到了文化,而且是那样的冠冕堂皇,自以为是,可怜,这毕竟成了人们茶前饭后的笑料!
法文裏的école normale與英文的normal school是一樣的語意嗎?而且您舉出來的例子裏,怎麼都是美洲的normal school都紛紛改名,normal都不見了?難道不就是英文裏已經忘了初衷,其意義已經轉變的意思嗎?
回复删除作者:谢盛友 更新时间:2009-2-8
“不折腾”出师不利,温家宝在剑桥演讲被人折腾,被扔鞋子。昨天深夜做了一个梦,今天把它记录下来,便成了这篇文章。梦见温家宝从容地把那扔来的鞋子稳当地准确地接住,并且面带微笑大度地说:“不错,这产品不错,Made in China,谢谢你为我们中国人的产品做广告,昨天我才跟布朗说呢,我们都反对贸易保护主义,你们应该多多进口中国的产品。不过你扔鞋的功夫不够熟练,应该到中国少林寺练习练习!”
中共中央总书记胡锦涛去年底在纪念改革开放30周年大会上讲话,说了一句北方方言“不折腾”,引来与会官员会心一笑,但如何将这三个字译成英文却让海内外媒体伤透脑筋。各种英译后来陆续出现,有“别走岔路”、“不踌躇”、“没有重大变化”等意思,但就是不够“不折腾”,后来国务院新闻办定调:“不折腾”不翻译,干脆根据汉语拼音念出“bu zheteng”。
谢家大哥(全国政协委员、中科院研究生院教授谢正观)思路敏捷,一言九鼎:走出国门的中国文化当然首先是带有中国符号的文化产品,中国元素、中国概念、中国故事采用汉语拼音表达才能使中国文化保持民族性,从而建立起“中式话语”,在世界话语权中占有一席之地。比如,京剧不再是Peking opera,而是Jingju;相声不再是Cross talk,而是Xiangsheng……
另一种问答:明天开始我们没有德文翻译了,特里尔那里讲英文行吗?行!2030年开始,全世界没有“哈啰!Hello!”,只有“你好!Ni Hao!”。为什么?2030年中国超过美国,届时没有China了,只有Zhongguo。也没有Made in China,只有“中国制造”!
Normal School (Ecole normale) - 师范学校
回复删除支那所谓师范大学,应该是Normal School 而不是Normal University,Normal University在西方人听起来非常怪异。School和University之间并没有高下之别,只是性质不同。