在麦可•贝克曼(Michael Backman)最近的专栏文章,〈达赖喇嘛的圣袍之下掩藏了什么〉中,("Behind Dalai Lama's Holy Cloak")(并由中国政府的英文刊物,《China's Tibet》于2007年6月第十八期再度重刊),他谴责记者没有尽职,不去挑战质疑达赖喇嘛。然而他不但没有树立报人风范,反而以有问题的新闻标准,采用极度错误、以及经过操弄的“铁证”好让他的论点看起来十分耸动,来指控达赖喇嘛植党营私,不尊重民主过程,
然而,说达赖喇嘛“本人”由美国中央情报局(CIA)每月支付美金一万五千美元,则完全是无中生有。当时,就好像现在也是一样,他是由印度政府慷慨接待,以“荣誉佳宾”的身份居留印度。该款项甚至不是西藏流亡政府的预算之一部份。事实上,基金的来源并不是美国中央情报局,而是美国驻印度大使洛仪•亨德森(Loy Henderson)在1951年承诺提供的款项。
结果是,他从来没有聘任任何一位家人作为部长、国会议员或部会首长。只有他的姐夫作了安全部门的部长,而他的一位哥哥担任了一个刚刚草创的部门领袖(藏医学研究所)。事实是,从1978年到1986年,最高的决策机构“全国人民大会”(Gayong Mimang Tsokcheng),常常在经过讨论之后,推荐达赖喇嘛约聘他的二哥嘉乐顿珠作首相。每一次,达赖喇嘛都拒绝了。
da lai即将于下个月在澳洲再度粉墨登场,澳大利亚的政客们也再一次为是否接见他而左右为难。
而记者们却绝少挑战da lai。
da lai绝不仅仅是一个宗教领袖,他在1959年开始流@#亡时是西#@%藏地方政#&府的首脑。西#@%藏政#&府当时是由上层贵族以及 僧侣依靠裙带关系组织起来的,他们收税,监禁并迫害@#¥#异#%@议人士,他们同其它政客一样玩弄一切政治阴谋诡计。(da lai的生父便在1946年的一次政变中几乎被杀)
这些资金被用来支付对中国的游击战。而da lai一直宣称奉行非暴力原则,甚至还在1989年因此获得了诺贝尔和平奖。
da lai本人自1950年代末直至1974年止也受到中情局的资助,据说每月金额为一万五千美金(每年18万美金)
这笔资金直接支付给da lai个人,但他将这笔资金几乎全部用于流@#亡政#&府的活动,主要用于运作纽约和日内瓦的办事处,以及国际社会中的游说活动。
流@# 亡政#&府的财政状况非常不透明。从结构上说,流@#亡政#&府有七个部门组成,还有若干特别办公室/办事处。政#&府内还有慈 善基金,一个出版公司,在印度和尼泊尔还有若干家酒店,在美国和澳大利亚拥有手工艺品销售公司,这些单位,都归于流@#亡政#&府的财政部名下。
若干年前我向da lai政#&府的财政部询问预算的详细情况。得到的回复称流@#亡政#&府每年收入有约两千两百万美元,用于健康,教育,宗教以及文化发展方面的开支。
各种捐款是如何进入预算的则不得而知。据估算捐款总数每年可达到数百万美元。但da lai的财政部并没有提供捐款的具体数目,也没有透露具体来源。
很多捐款通过驻纽约的西#@%藏基@&金(Tibet Fund)汇往流@#亡政#&府,这个基金是在1981年由流@#亡藏人和美国公民建立的。目前基金已达到百万级规模,每年通过各种活动能够募集到三百万美元。
这个基金的部分资金来源于美国国务院的人口、难民及移民局(US State Department's Bureau for Refugee Programs)
同很多亚洲的政治人物一样,da lai任人唯亲,提拔了很多家人。最近几年,内阁(又称Kashag,也就是流@#亡政#&府的最高行政机构)的六名成员中,有3名是da lai的亲属。
da lai的一个哥哥是内阁的主席,同时兼任内务大臣(minister of security)。他曾经领导了60年代的西#@%藏武装反攻活动(Tibetan contra movement),而这个活动是由中情局支持的。
da lai的小姨子(sister-in-law)是流@#亡政#&府的规划署(planning council)负责人,以及卫生部(Department of Health)部长。
da lai的妹妹是卫生与教育大臣(health and education minister),而她的丈夫则是外交部部长(Department of Information and International Relations)。他们的女儿是西#@%藏流@#亡议会的成员,小儿子是da lai私人办公室的高级成员,他的妻子则是教育大臣。
da lai的小舅子(brother-in-law)的第二任妻子是流@#亡政#&府驻北欧的代表,并且负责国际关系事务。所有的这些职位都使得da lai家族能够以流@#亡政#&府的名义控制动辄数百万美元的资金。
da lai现在或许非常有名,但是极少有人真正了解他。比如,与通常的说法相反,da lai并不是一个素食者。他也吃肉。而据他说这是遵照医生建议因为他得了肝炎。我咨询了几位医生但没有一个人认为对于一个肝脏有损伤的人来说食肉是必须的,而食肉甚至可能加重病情。
那么,da lai究竟为生活在西#@%藏的藏人争取到了什么?
不管怎么说,da lai(2007年)已经72岁了。他的继任,也就是转世灵童,要在很多年以后才能够成为一个真正有影响力的人物。对于中国来说,这个问题似乎能够自行解决,同霍华德或是陆克文见不见现在这位da lai,似乎没什么关系。
Claims of the Dalai Lama's Nepotistic Behaviour Wrong
The Age, Melbourne, Australia [Thursday, June 07, 2007 12:09]
By Dr Lobsang Sangay
June 07, 2007
Dr Lobsang Sangay was selected as one of Asia's 200 outstanding young leaders to attend the "Asia 21 Young Leaders Summit", held in Seoul from 17-19 November 2006/File photo
In his recent column ("Behind Dalai Lama's Holy Cloak", 23/5/2007, Republished by the Chinese Government in China’s Tibet, 2007/6, Volume 18), Michael Backman chastised journalists for not challenging the Dalai Lama. In doing so, he resorted to questionable journalistic standards by accusing the Dalai Lama of nepotistic and non-democratic behaviour based on "hard facts" that are either manipulated to sensationalise his case or are downright wrong.
Backman alleges that the Dalai Lama advocates greater autonomy for millions of people who are now "Chinese citizens, presumably with him as head of their government". The fact is just the opposite.
In July 1981, then Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Hu Yaobang announced "China's Five-point Policy towards the Dalai Lama", urging the Dalai Lama to return so he "will enjoy the same political status and living conditions as he had before 1959". The Dalai Lama rejected the offer and stated that the issue was not his own position in Tibet, but the welfare of 6 million Tibetans.
In 1992, the Dalai Lama categorically declared that he would not hold any official position in the government of future Tibet. Rather, he would hand over his traditional authority to an elected leader of Tibet and "serve the people as an individual outside the government".
It is a fact that the traditional government of Tibet was unegalitarian and inefficient. However, when the Dalai Lama was enthroned to be the leader in 1950, he was merely 15 years old, and faced the daunting task of handling the invasion and occupation of Tibet by Communist China. In exile, as part of an anti-Communist campaign, it is true that the American Government supported the Khampa guerilla resistance force till early 1970s.
However, it is not true that the Dalai Lama was "personally" paid $US15,000 a month by the CIA. As it is the case today, he was kindly hosted by the Indian Government as an "honoured guest". The fund was not even part of the budget of the Tibetan government in exile. In actuality, the main source was not the CIA, but fulfilment of a pledge made by US ambassador to India Loy Henderson in 1951.
On the advocacy of non-violence, the fact is that the Dalai Lama sent an emotional appeal on audio tape to the Tibetan guerillas in early 1970s, telling them to disarm. This message demoralised many of the fighters, and a few even committed suicide. Soon after that message from the Dalai Lama, the camp disbanded.
The budget of the Tibetan government in exile totals approximately $US20 million ($A24 million). It is openly debated in yearly Tibetan parliament budgetary sessions for two weeks, and allocated transparently. Compared with other refugee groups, the Tibetan government in exile is arguably the most efficient and effective in providing service to 130,000 Tibetan refugees with such limited budget. Still, the general impression is that the Dalai Lama must be raising millions of dollars.
On the contrary, strict rules apply to the Dalai Lama's visits abroad that these cannot be used for fund-raising purposes. During his trip to Australia, as is true everywhere, his organisers are instructed to charge fees only to cover the actual expenses of the event. More impressively, the Dalai Lama does not charge even a penny for speaking fees. He speaks for free so that he will be accessible to as many people as possible.
Perhaps the most irresponsible reporting in the column is the accusation that the Dalai Lama "has been remarkably nepotistic, appointing members of his family to many positions of prominence", like many Asian politicians.
The facts are as follows: as per his specific instruction, a provision was introduced in the Tibetan constitution of 1963 and the Charter of 1991 that the Dalai Lama can be impeached by the parliament.
From 1960 to 1990, the Dalai Lama had the sole constitutional power to appoint exiled Tibet's cabinet ministers, heads of departments, and members of parliament.
He never appointed anyone from his family as ministers, parliamentarians or heads of departments. Only his brother-in-law served as the head of the Security Department and his elder brother headed a fledgling start-up (the Tibetan Medicine Institute). As a matter of fact, from 1978 to 1986, the Gayong Mimang Tsokcheng, the highest decision-making body, discussed and consistently recommended that the Dalai Lama appoint his elder brother Gyalo Thondup as the Prime Minister. Each time, the Dalai Lama declined.
In 1991, as part of democratic reforms, the Dalai Lama delegated the power to appoint the cabinet to the parliament, which since 1960 has been directly elected by the people.
Ironically, the parliament began to elect members of his family, and the most high-profile was his elder brother Gyalo as the Prime Minister.
The elder brother played a key role in seeking US Government support in 1950s-60s, and paradoxically he was also instrumental in opening a dialogue with the Chinese Government in the early 1980s.
Nonetheless, he is controversial partly because of his autocratic personality.
Not surprisingly, Gyalo was eased out without completing his term as the Prime Minister, partly because of his incapability to cope with a democratic-environment-in-exile polity.
In 2000, another reform was instituted by the Dalai Lama, requiring exile Tibetans to directly elect their Prime Minister with full administrative power except in dealing with China.
Tibetans in 27 countries voted on a single day, with more than 80 per cent electing Professor Samdhong Rinpoche as the first Prime Minister. He didn't appoint any member of the Dalai Lama's family to his cabinet. In the parliament, only a nephew was elected as an ordinary member among 46 parliamentarians and he faced disciplinary action for violating parliamentary rules and regulations.
Clearly, the experience of the Dalai Lama's family in the nascent Tibetan democratic system reflects that they don't necessarily get a free ride.
More importantly, the Dalai Lama never appointed his family members to positions of influence, even when he was permitted to do so (1960-90) and those who did were elected by the parliament.
The truth, then, is far removed from Backman's claim that the Dalai Lama "appointed" his family members to positions of prominence.
Finally, Backman's suggestion that had the Dalai Lama "stayed quiet", possibly "fewer Tibetans might have been tortured, killed and generally suppressed by China" sounds comically naive and hypocritical.
Firstly, between 1960 and 1972, when the Dalai Lama was "quiet" and never ventured outside of India, Tibet went through brutal suppression under China, when thousands of people perished.
From 1973 to 1986, the Dalai Lama made limited trips abroad, but suppression continued.
From 1987 to 2007, when the Dalai Lama made the most trips abroad and finally put Tibet in the international map, Backman suggests he keep quiet.
It is hypocritical to suggest the Dalai Lama refrain from speaking out for the welfare of 6 million Tibetans when Backman himself speaks out and writes columns and books to pay his rent and put food on his table.
Last time I checked, free speech is universal. It is noble to speak for millions of suffering people, and especially to speak out against authoritarian regimes.
It is certainly not just the privilege of the few to make a living by criticising others.
Dr Lobsang Sangay is a scholar on Tibet at the law school of Harvard University and is one of the twenty-four Young Leaders of Asia.

关于尊者的妹妹,建议读一读她的自传《西藏:我的故事》(Tibet:My Story),书中对流亡社区教育体制的建立有详细的描述,而且也谈到她当选为西藏历史上第一位女性噶厦成员的事,她没有完成任期就辞职了。