去年3月28日,是第一个“西藏百万农奴解放纪念日”。我在当天的博客上,贴的图是年轻藏人恶搞“农奴解放日”而设计的卡通“农奴”——Smurf (蓝精灵),正手舞足蹈地迎接“西藏百万慑服解放纪念日”。“慑服”与英语的“农奴(Serf)”谐音,而英语的“农奴(Serf)”又跟著名卡通“蓝精灵(Smurf)”谐音。于是,具有“西藏特点”的“慑服”(蓝精灵农奴)诞生了……而今年,慑服又来了!
Smurf Emancipation Day #2: SMURFATAR
March 28, 2010 — Smurfs Will Be Free!

Mr Cao had always been told that Smurfs were happy as part of the harmonious Gargamao Empire. When he leaves the Gargamao Empire to study at an overseas university however, he searches the uncensored internet and finds the world isn’t really as the Gargamao Empire were saying – in the real world, Gargamao troops were destroying the Smurf way of life!!!
Mr Cao puts on the yellow Twibbon of resistance in solidarity!

To find out what Smurfs are really like, Mr Cao visits the exiled Smurf leader, Papa Smurf, who turns out to be a really nice Smurf. Papa Smurf tells Mr Cao that people inside the Gargamao Empire have the truth hidden from them on the internet but if he uses the Smurfatar machine, he’ll be able to use a remote controlled character to sneak into the Smurf Village and see the true Smurf plight.

Mr. Cao uses the Smurfatar machine to enter the real world where Gargamao propaganda is no longer effective. His virtual self is Caonima and he is soon greeted by Smurfs, who fly the banned Smurf flag in his honour.

But evil Gargamao troops are watching! They are strongly opposed to Smurfs and Gargamao citizens forming alliances!

The Gargamao tanks spread into the Smurf Village in huge numbers. Caonima and the Smurfs watch in concern but they still fly their flags in defiance!

The Gargamao forces are too large and the Smurfs are unarmed. The troops stage a brutal crackdown and burn the Smurf Village to the ground, killing many Smurfs and their beloved Magical Flying Yaks.

Caonima decides the Gargamao occupation of the Smurf Village has gone on too long and vows to stand with his Smurf friends. Caonima resolves to find a way to stop the Gargamao tanks.

So Caonima courageously stands in front of the tanks before more Smurf and Magical Flying Yak lives are lost. The tanks cannot get through. Scared of killing their own people, they retreat from the Smurf Village.

Caonima and the Smurfs defeated the evil Gargamao forces by working together! Now they’re all free! Mr Cao decides to stay in the Smurf Village and wear his Twibbon forever. They have a massive party in joyous celebration!

Meanwhile, the Gargamao surveillance team sense trouble ahead for the Shanghai Expo where the Gargamao Propaganda Department are planning to showcase a “Heavenly Smurf Village”.
Caomina and the Smurfs have clearly turned into a force too powerful for the Gargamao Empire…what will happen next?
【http://smurfswillbefree.wordpress.com/2010/03/28/smurf-emancipation-day-2-smurfatar/ 。中文译者:台湾悬钩子。】
回复删除VOA-The Closing Circle: Indians and Tibetan Buddhism -03.31.2010. Very good.非常好,看看人家印度的青年男女,图伯特语讲的那样好.纳喜达,噶莱西,丹增扎巴.再看看我们图伯特,境内的一些个号称作家,诗人,学者,艺术家,歌星的人,不会讲自己母语,不学自己的文字.