25日,我在Facebook上就挪威西藏之声访谈西藏流亡政府总理洛桑森格的视频写了一段留言。27日,有藏人Donlha Tibet留言,我也做了回复。在此,将这三段留言从Facebook转到我的博客上,并对13位自焚的境内藏人进行简单的介绍。
Tsering Woeser:看了挪威西藏之声访谈西藏流亡政府总理洛桑森格的视频http://vimeo.com/34162136 ,犹豫良久,还是觉得需要说出来,实在是很抱歉我再次提起这个话题。噶伦赤巴洛桑森格啦在这个节目开始时提到了境内藏人自焚,但是,他又一次说错了:1、他说境内藏人自焚是12人,这不对,事实上是13人;2、他说自焚牺牲的有六、七人,但是,事实上应该是这样——如果说自焚的是12人,那么牺牲的是6人;如果是自焚的是13人,那么牺牲的是7人。
Donlha Tibet:自焚、自焚,说着容易、听着震惊,可做起来比登天还难,但我们境内的13位男女英雄们却做到了,试问手稍微刮破却大声喊痛的我们有这个胆量为自由事业献出生命吗?我不知道别人,但我这个胆小鬼想都不敢想。真的,这辈子都不敢点燃自己的身体,我为自己的无用感到揪心,感到惭愧。不过,庆幸的是,我有一个清晰的头脑,从2009年2月27日24岁的阿坝格尔登寺僧人扎白到2011年12月1日46岁的昌都嘎玛区丹增平措共计13位自焚藏人的名字、背景和事迹一一记在我的日记本里,也深深地刻在我的脑海里,因为我要时刻缅怀他们,为他们供油灯、念心咒,参与社区西藏组织发起的声援活动,来表达对他们的敬仰和尊崇。我,一个小小、不起眼的留学生可以记住他们,为何我们伟大的噶伦赤巴却记不住他们呢?难到是这位哈佛大学的博士记忆力太差,还是衰退,或是马虎?他作为民选最高政治领导人怎么可以屡屡说错话且又这么不负责任?是的,一想到自焚英雄们,我为自己天生的懦弱、胆怯和无用感到惭愧,但同时也为我们的噶伦赤巴感到寒心和失望,因为那不是数字对错的问题,而是献身者的价值是否得到重视的问题。
Tsering Woeser:Donlha Tibet你说的对,“那不是数字对错的问题,而是献身者的价值是否得到重视的问题”,我们并不是非要与噶伦赤巴洛桑森格啦过不去,对他的失误揪住不放,不是这样的。而是,实在是,“那不是数字对错的问题,而是献身者的价值是否得到重视的问题”。
以下是我与Donlha Tibet 在Faecbook上的留言被译成英文(感谢友人E 帮助翻译):
Tsering Woeser:Having watched the program on which The Voice of Tibet interviewed the Tibetan Government-in-Exile Prime Minister Lobsang Sangay (http://vimeo.com/34162136), I hesitated for some time but nevertheless feel that I need to speak out. Actually, I’m sorry to bring this subject up yet again. At the start of the program Kalon Tripa Lobsang Sangay-la raised the issue of the self-immolations of Tibetans inside Tibet, but once again what he said was wrong:
1) He said the number of Tibetans inside Tibet who have committed self-immolation is twelve. This is incorrect. In fact, the number is thirteen.
2) He said the number of those who have sacrificed their lives through self-immolation is six or seven. Actually it’s like this: if he says that twelve have committed self-immolation, then the number of those who have sacrificed their lives is six; if thirteen have committed self-immolation, then the number of those who have sacrificed their lives is seven.
Ultimately, how many people have committed self-immolation inside Tibet? This is a very important question; I do not consider it a question that can be treated with imprecision or a question that need not be kept in the forefront of one’s thoughts. Kalon Tripa Lobsang Sangay-la, when visiting Europe, said that the self-immolation of Tibetans means the life of each and every person who commits self-immolation. Therefore, with regard to this life-or-death issue our Tibetan political leaders, when speaking out publicly, need to be accurate and unmistaken about the number of those who have committed self-immolation. Naturally, if they can speak accurately about the name, home region, and circumstances of each person who has committed self-immolation it would be a great comfort to these heroes, heroines and martyrs and to their families. It would also be a great comfort to Tibetans inside Tibet.
I hope my earnestness is understood. The thirteen Tibetans who have committed self-immolation inside Tibet are: Tapey, Lobsang Phuntsok (sacrificed his life), Tsewang Norbu (sacrificed his life), Lobsang Kelsang, Lobsang Kunchok, Kelsang Wangchuk, Choephel (sacrificed his life), Khaying (sacrificed his life), Norbu Damdul, Tenzin Wangmo (sacrificed her life), Dawa Tsering, Palden Choetso (sacrificed her life), and Tenzin Phuntsok (sacrificed his life).
Donlha Tibet:Self-immolation, self-immolation. It’s easy to say it; it’s a shock to hear it. And committing the act is harder than scaling the heavens. But 13 heroes and heroines inside Tibet have done it. Might I ask if we, who scream when we scrape our hands even slightly, would have the guts to sacrifice our lives for the cause of freedom? I don’t know about anyone else, but as for me, with my lack of courage, I can’t even dare to think about it. Really, this generation wouldn’t dare to set their own bodies ablaze. I agonize over my own uselessness. I feel ashamed. But I rejoice at having a clear mind. The names, backgrounds, and deeds of a total of 13 Tibetans who have committed self-immolation—from 24-year-old Tapey from Kirti Monastery in Ngaba, who did so on February 27, 2009, to 46-year-old Tenzin Phuntsok from the Karma district of Chamdo, who did so on December 1, 2011—are recorded in my diary and deeply engraved in my mind. And as I want to always hold their memories dear, I light butter lamps, recite mantras, and take part in the support efforts organized by community-based Tibetan organizations, all to show my respect and honor for them. If I, a small and insignificant exchange student can remember them, how is it that our great Kalon Tripa can’t? Can it be that this Harvard Ph.D.’s faculty of memory is so lacking, or weak, or careless? He’s the highest elected political leader; how can he say things that are wrong time and again and take no responsibility for it? Yes, when I think of the heroes and heroines who have committed self-immolation I am ashamed of my inherent weakness, cowardice and uselessness. But at the same time I feel disappointment and a loss of hope with regard to our Kalon Tripa, because it’s not a question of whether a number is correct or not. It’s a question of whether or not the worth of those who have laid down their lives is taken seriously.Tsering Woeser: Donlha Tibet, you’re absolutely right: “It’s not a question of whether a number is correct or not. It’s a question of whether or not the worth of those who have laid down their lives is taken seriously.” We don’t need to box Kalon Tripa Lobsang Sangay-la into a corner and not let up on his error. No it’s not like that. In truth, “it’s not a question of whether a number is correct or not. It’s a question of whether or not the worth of those who have laid down their lives is taken seriously.”I remember when Kalon Tripa Lobsang Sangay-la was interviewed via hotline on an RFA program; it was just like when he was interviewed by the Voice of Tibet. In answering questions about his work in the months since becoming Kalon Tripa, each time he raised the self-immolations by Tibetans inside Tibet and from that introduced his activities in the U.S., Europe, and in other countries. Since the genesis of Kalon Tripa Lobsang Sangay’s work is the self-immolation of Tibetans inside Tibet, shouldn’t he be able to recall the 13 Tibetans inside Tibet who have committed self-immolation? He shouldn’t be in error about their number. Even less so should he be vague in recalling the number of those who have sacrificed their lives.Let me repeat this: Of the 13 Tibetans who have committed self-immolation in Tibet, 7 have already sacrificed their lives; 5 were injured and taken away by army and/or police, their whereabouts unknown; and one is still in his monastery, but is seriously injured. Of the 13 Tibetans who have committed self-immolation in Tibet, 9 are from Ngaba in Amdo and 4 are from Kandze, Ta’u and Chamdo in Kham. Of the 13 Tibetans who have committed self-immolation in Tibet, there are 11 men (monks or former monks), and 2 women (nuns).





他自焚时,有藏人冒死拍下现场片断,后来交给美联社,并由美联社于10月23日公诸于世。这个有 32秒钟的视频 显示,自焚僧人洛桑贡确倒卧在地,双脚和脚踝部分呈黑色并冒着烟,而他身体周围布满灭火器喷发的白色粉末,不远处则有许多全副武装的军警。







而阿尼班丹曲措自焚时,有藏人拍下自焚现场的惊人片断,还拍摄了当地藏人僧俗聚集寺院进行悼念的感人片断,并将视频传出西藏,于最近出现在网络上(如 YouTube )和媒体上,令人震撼、悲恸。
