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之前,无国界记者(RSF)首次公布“100位新闻自由英雄”名单,西藏僧人久美嘉措(即果洛久美。Jigme Gyatso, also known as Golog Jigme)名列其中。无国界记者组织高度评价这100位英雄通过他们的工作或者斗争,展现了无与伦比的勇气,推动和促进了世界人权宣言第19条“人人有权享有主张和发表意见的自由;此项权利包括持有主张而不受干涉的自由,和通过任何媒介和不论国界寻求、接受和传递消息和思想的自由”。这百位英雄致力于“服务公众利益”。
Tibet →Jigme Gyatso
Jigme Gyatso, also known as Golog Jigme, is a Buddhist monk and human rights activist who found fame with the film “Leaving Fear Behind” which he made with the farmer and film-maker Dhondup Wangchen. The powerful 25-minute documentary consists of interviews with 108 ordinary Tibetans and had a secret screening in Beijing on the opening day of the Olympic Games in 2008 before being shown throughout the world. Jigme Gyatso was immediately arrested, sentenced to seven months’ imprisonment, then beaten and tortured. He was released in October 2008. However, in 2012 Jigme Gyatso, described by fellow Tibetans as “monk of moral integrity and a sincere social worker”, was seized again by the authorities, who are holding him in secret. His family have had no news of him since September 2012.