居住美国的藏人艺术家、诗人丹增热珠(Tenzin Rigdol),从被严密封锁的西藏境内想方设法运出20吨泥土,于今天(10月26日)在流亡藏人中心—印度达兰萨拉—举办“我们的家乡、我们的民族”场域特定艺术展。


【His Holiness writes "བོད་" in Rigdol's soil from Tibet
"His Holiness took one look at the soil, and then proceeded to write the Tibetan word for "Tibet" in the soil," said Rigdol. "It was incredibly uplifting to see His Holiness carve the most simple and powerful message on the soil, unequivocally claiming it as Tibet, his and our beloved homeland."】



印度媒体IndiaRealtime报道了这位29岁的藏人艺术家的惊人行为:《In India, Tibetans Set Foot on a Smuggled Piece of Home》http://blogs.wsj.com/indiarealtime/2011/10/26/in-india-tibetans-set-foot-on-a-smuggled-piece-of-home/?mod=wsj_share_facebook
华盛顿邮报也予以报道:《Art installation in Dharmsala, India, uses soil from Tibet, evoking nostalgia from exiles》http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/art-installation-in-dharmsala-india-uses-soil-from-tibet-evoking-nostalgia-from-exiles/2011/10/26/gIQA7zDLIM_story.html

而在2010年9月,丹增热珠参加了众多藏人艺术家在北京举办的《烈日西藏——西藏当代艺术展》 http://woeser.middle-way.net/2010/09/blog-post_18.html。
艺术家简介:丹增热珠,Tenzing Rigdol,1999年起,就学于印度的西藏唐卡艺术学校、加德满都的寺院等,2005年在美国科罗拉多大学学习绘画和艺术史,现生活和工作于纽约。
About the artist: Tenzing Rigdol is a Tibetan contemporary artist whose artwork ranges from painting, sculpture, drawing, collage, digital, to video installation, site-specific and performance art. He has extensively exhibited his artworks throughout the United States in various museums, and also in London, Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Israel, Madrid and Mumbai. Rigdol’s artwork is held in museums and collections worldwide and is represented by Rossi & Rossi gallery in London. Additionally, he is also a poet. His poetry books titled “R”—the Frozen Ink (2008), Anatomy of Nights (2011), Butterfly’s Wings (2011) were published by Tibet Writes. He lives in New York.