出于深深的触动,出于对艺术的敬意,从Faceook上转帖旅居德国的藏人艺术家Puntsok Tsering 的新作品。
Puntsok Tsering la 是这样介绍的:
The Wishing Room
Every one has wishes or hopes, whether for him- or herself, or for society. All human beings hope to have these wishes fulfilled; many pray or plead for this. This place, the Wishing Room, is a place to give voice to these wishes. The room’s theme is the Tibetan concept of rig sum gönpo – requests to the three protector deities Manjushri, Vajrapani and Avalokiteshvara.
An empty podium stands in the middle of the room. A pillar stands to its left and its right sides. Papers in three different colors – rust-red, gray-green and white – are hung up on a line between the pillars. These are the symbolic colors of the three protectors, who also embody the three times – past, present and future. Visitors to the exhibition can express their wishes, hopes or regrets in any language, or in symbols. They will then be hung up like prayer flags – lungta – as in Tibet on mountain passes or on the roofs of houses. The podium in the middle of the room symbolizes the “empty throne” on Tibet’ s passes, surrounded by prayer flags on which the Tibet ans express their hearts’ wish that their “Wish-Fulfilling Jewel,” the 14th Dalai Lama, may return. A video inst allation in the corners and on the wall of the Wishing Room shows calligraphed wishes and poems by the artist. There are customs and traditions that will always be associated with the Tibetans, among them the Mani Lhakor1, Mani Chu khor2 und Mani lung kor3. This is a Mani log kor4.
每个人都有许多愿望或希望,不论是为了己身的幸福,还是为了社会的进步,所有人都希望这些愿望能得到满足;许多人为此而祈祷或祈求。这个称之为“祈愿室”的设立,为的是让这些愿望有一个得以抒发的空间。这个房间的主题是西藏rig sum gönpo(三祜主)的概念——向文殊菩萨、金刚手菩萨、观世音菩萨三位守护神的请求。
这个房间正中央,有一个空置的高台,高台左右两边各竖立着一个石柱。石柱之间悬吊着三种不同颜色的纸张——绛红、灰绿与白色。这三种颜色分别象征着这三位保护神,而他们也代表着三个不同的时空——过去,现在与未来。前来参展的访客可以用任何语言或符号表达他们的愿望、希望与忏悔。访客们所写下的,也将会像风马旗——隆达——一样悬吊起来,如同在西藏的山岳关口或者是房屋的顶上迎风招展的旗帜一样。此房间正中央突起的高台,象征着西藏山岳关口道路上的“空宝座”,这些山隘布满了风马旗,上面写着藏人希望他们的“如意至宝”——第十四世达赖喇嘛,终有一天会回来的衷心期待。房间角落里播放着视频,以及墙上的投影,显示艺术家以书法所写的愿望与诗词。许多风俗与传统永远跟西藏人是密不可分的,其中包括Mani Lhakor(转经筒)、Mani Chukhor(水力转经轮)、Mani lung kor(有屋宇的转经轮)。这也是一种Mani log kor(转经轮)。

rig sum gönpo 传统译法是 三觉怙主 或者 三怙主