2001年10月20日 北京
Weapons Cannot Destroy Hatred
Written by Wang Lixiong
Translated by Ogyen
At the time of 11/9 attacks, I was on an Environmental Education program in a Tibetan area in Qinghai. I was so shocked by the news and silently prayed for the victims in a local Tibetan temple. I agree with the international criticisms against the terrorists, which I am not going to repeat here but I want to share some other thoughts.
While praying for the American victims, I recalled the series of blasts that had taken place in Tibet. The explosion that destroyed Karzey prefecture government gate in Khangding city more than a month before 11/9 incident, which is nothing as compared to 11/9--- slightly injured two guards. But is there anything common between the two?
Being Buddhists, Tibetans believe in compassion and peace, not jihad. Their spiritual leader the Dalai Lama also repeatedly emphasizes Tibetans to follow non-violent paths. Then why are there still people resort to violence, even continuously (three blasts in Khangding alone this year)? I can understand this (though I completely oppose it) --- that is because of desperation. Violence is the only option left when people are forced to a limit of desperation where no other solution is available. Though violence cannot change the situation, it can at least express resistance to relieve the mind that is filled with hatred. The first explosion from the terrorists is the explosion of their hatred.
Terrorism is a behavior of the weak. Although Osama Bin Laden is wealthy, Al-Qaida is well organized and having a large membership, as compared to his enemy --- the US and the western world, he is too weak to be compared. The entire Arab, even the Islamic world is weaker than the west. Likewise, Uyghurs and Tibetans are too weak to be compared to the Chinese. I am not going to discuss here who is right and wrong, and it is not necessary that justice is always with the weak, but what can be ensured is that in the fight between the strong and weak, desperation always comes from the weaker side and hatred also most likely grows in the mind of the weak. Thus, apart from surrendering and being humiliated, terrorism becomes the only option for the hateful weak.
By violating the law, terrorists usually target civilians and public properties, which are undoubtedly crimes. However, being the weaker side, they can do nothing but to suffocate to death if they abide by the law. Imagine, how can the weak go and attack the army and strictly guarded military compound of the strong? Why would Bin Laden involve in terrorist activities if he is stronger than the US, he can simply order his army to fight the US.
When hatred reaches a definite level, it makes man go to extremes, even by sacrificing one's own life to punish the enemy. We cannot simply say terrorists are unethical and immoral; those who can sacrifice their lives are not short of moral support, but theirs are different standards of morality. On contrary, when so many innocent civilians were killed in 11/9, those extremists would definitely say America’s blockading Iraq killed more than ten thousand Iraqi children, killing few thousands Americans is far from being compensated.
This is how extreme fundamentalism is usually formed, it provides some kind of spiritual justice that justifies the avengers to deploy more sacred ethics to cover up the ethics at the conscience level. Irrespective of the justice and sacredness being unfounded, they would comfortably go and take revenge to the maximum effect indiscriminately. This type of extremism is often tied with religious faith that promises compensation in next life that enables them to dedicate lives for the cause, and thus produces what Mao Zedong used to flaunt as “spiritual atom bomb”.
Life sacrifices inspired by the ancient religious thoughts combined with swiftly developing science and technology can make a small section of people with negligible power do unimaginable destructions. 11/9 is an epitome though, it is not yet the most extreme act, like present academic development is far more advanced than that of the past, the extremists also keep trying to exceed past examples of revenge. Continuous development of science and technology, meanwhile, provides the "terror leaders" more capabilities.
Comparatively, direct attacks by the terrorists are lesser destructions, bigger destructions are indirect attacks created by diffusing the effects, and the biggest is the absence of security sense for the entire society. Terrorists are hidden and so cannot be guarded against. For guarding against few terrorists without knowing when they would sneak out and attack, society has to endlessly pay a high price. It is their opportunity to attack again whenever the protection loosens. This way, society would never be in peace and mankind would not find meaning and confidence for existence.
Then how can we eliminate terrorism? Will terrorism disappear with the elimination of terrorists and their power? This is how they likely think of the current Afghan war. However, war can destroy terrorists’ camps and their weapons but it can never destroy deep-rooted enmity bred in their hearts. Human heart is the only original source of hatred for terrorism and no weapon can destroy this hatred. In turn, wars breed fresh hatred, eliminating older terrorists creates new generations of young terrorists to succeed.
I do not believe in talks of cultural conflicts and I cannot agree explaining terrorism from Islamic point of view. It is right that most of the terror activities are from Muslim regions with Islamic cover. However, religion and culture are merely used as flags, consolidated hatred below this flag has not been borne out of religion and culture but has grown from experienced failures, humiliation, desperation and hopelessness of group of individuals.
Speaking thus, I am not protecting terrorism but pondering over how to eliminate it. According to me, the only option is to resolve hatred as when there is no hatred, there is no reason to take revenge and so acts of revenge like killing and destroying would not be necessary. I am sure some people would laugh at this unrealistic illusion and ask that the world is so vast and how would it be possible to eliminate hatred completely. Even the best society cannot do this. Even though there is the least possible hatred, we still cannot avoid the possibility of terror attacks.
I do not deny human society possibly cannot eliminate all hatreds, but we can start with eliminating group hatred at least. My so-called group can be classified on the basis of nations, classes, faiths etc --- the entire Muslims to internal sects among them, Tibet to Falun Kong, laid-off workers to residents of Taiwan etc. Each group is integrated with specific destiny, history and feelings, dreams and pursuits. I singularly talk about group hatred here because large-scale terror activities like 11/9 would only be possible with its foundation being group hatred.
Terror activities in the absence of terrorism are just normal criminal offences. Terror attacks such as 11/9 would need multiple conditions to succeed --- well-organization, huge amount of capital, long-term system planning and coordination, a few terrorists with guns or underground criminal gangs cannot succeed it. Especially the final requirement --- suicide attackers, who have to be inspired by religion and ideology, appeal with the honor of national hero can only transform them willing to donate lives. Terrorism is a system which can only be formed and maintained within a group, can be driven only with the collective hatred of the group and can only thrive with resources accumulated by the entire group. Terrorists are usually extreme religious forces, without group hatred to drive, the faith itself essentially advocates peace and promotes compassion but never encourages killing and promises heaven after death. It is group hatred that embodies extreme forces with justice and thus makes religion the weapon of revenge. The combination of extremism and religion can acquire resources and organize integration to the maximum level, and even acquires brave soldiers to sacrifice lives. 11/9 attackers were western educated people adapted to western way of life and got western benefits, they must normally be polite citizens, colleagues and neighbors, but eventually flew planes full of civilians ruthlessly into those concrete walls of cement and steel. These startling acts were not driven by individual grievances but group hatred that made them cold-bloodedly sacrifice their lives.
I believe eradicating hatred among groups in the world would end terrorism without which large-scale terror destructions like 11/9 would not take place. Those terror activities not sustained by specific doctrines, like personal revenges are not systems and so would not be of that scale; or underground gangs pursuing selfish interests would not meet their demands by committing suicides and would thus be easily grasped and prevented. This type of terror activities was always there in the past and so will not pose much of a threat in future to the extent of chain reactions the world over. Our world would ever since be much safer to live in.
If we agree eliminating group hatred being the best way to eradicate terrorism, we should now be sure of these principles: Firstly we should not let the extreme anger created by the 11/9 attacks lead the international community to respond violently but to find ways other than wars to resolve the issue. When there is a group conflict, both sides should self-reflect and invest all energy and resource to removing the group hatred but not intensifying it. Secondly we should prevent the political regime using anti-terrorism as a pretext to internally oppress specific groups of people. There are clues of Chinese government currently taking the opportunity of 11/9 to openly announce that the Uyghur rebels are terrorists. Though it is difficult to have a complete differentiation at this current period of complex phenomena but we should always be careful and at least be clear of such a standard --- though however satisfying the reasons are to prove terrorism, if it is a behavior intensifying group hatred, we should not support it. This standard should not only be the international standard of moral justice, but also the country in question, for oppression can only be effective temporarily, continuously intensifying group hatred buries much more dangerous terror explosives for future.
While resolving hatred, the stronger side should be more proactive since this hatred is usually because of historical inheritance or current policies of the stronger side; on the other hand, the weaker group is more sensitive and ready to accept themselves being respected. This mending of relationship should not only be material that has already done a lot in the past especially America. China has also visibly brought so much material progress in Tibet and East Turkistan. However, material development cannot solve all problems, especially it cannot replace spiritual needs and feelings as hatred is exactly a spiritual feeling and not material needs. So the powerful group, instead of conquering and repressing, humiliating and insulting the weaker group, they should first let the weaker group emotionally feel equal and just, respected and protected. This “invisible” initiative actually is much more effective than material compensation.
I do not believe terrorism can defeat America. However more earth-shaking 11/9 was, it would not "change history" like people presume. Terrorism is a desperate state of the weak, however desperate, what they can do is to create some troubles to the strong and the strong cannot live as comfortable as used to be, but they can never change the power imbalance between the two. Islamic world is so vast and populated though, it is not composed of only one nation and there are many governments, full of constraints and differences among them and so it is impossible to unite into a single force to challenge the west. In contrary, though China is applying 11/9 to improve its relations with the US but the western community will not trust China easily because of that, I think they will become even more suspicious of China --- a nation with a population more than all Muslims in the world combined, who collectively expressed joy and celebrated over the loss of thousands of lives in the attacks, which must have left impressions of nightmares to the west. To the western world, only Satan would enjoy such disasters, but this eastern Satan is so gigantic, letting this rise would mean the end of the west!
There are people even adding fuels to the fire by proudly calling the11/9 attacks “unrestricted warfare”, as if these attacks are just exercises of China defeating America in the future. However, people with a little insight can understand that terrorists use “unrestricted warfare” as they are hidden and can escape punishments, but a sovereign country involving in "restricted warfare" would mean fatal. You wage an unrestricted war on them and can they not do the same on you? Unrestricted wars from both sides would again mean the defeat of the weaker side. When laws are broken, the weaker side loses their protective shelters. The weak could manage to survive through the history just because they relied more on laws than the strong did. So proactive breaking of laws by the weak is a foolish suicide.
Making “unrestricted warfare” China’s external military strategy is worthless, conversely it could be used by the internal opposition forces, especially by the desperate minority extremists resulted from the government’s oppressions, who once grab “unrestricted warfare” ideology and choose terror path, creating Chinese version of 11/9 inside China is not impossible. Therefore, Chinese government and Chinese intelligentsia should realize that the ideological trend of those who speak irresponsibly should not be encouraged, but only peace, love and universal humanitarianism. Certainly, first we should start these from ourselves.
At the same time, there is no need for the western countries to be confused of Chinese appearance. According to me, the present Chinese nationalism is merely a “football hooligan style” behavior --- only cheering for one’s own team while abusing the other, it is not worth for the world to feel threatened and fear. Real nationalism is a faith like those 11/9 attackers sacrificing lives for justice. Coming to this present age of fame after centuries of upheavals, China has already lost its foundation of faith, people jostle for jeering but no one wants to join the battle. Once China becomes a pluralistic society with free information, freedom of expression, no political propaganda and brain-washing by this one-party rule, the China displayed before the world would be unimaginable, I believe this change will come soon. It should be understood that the Chinese problem is not the problem of Chinese people but that of the government. Only by changing this autocratic power, we can avoid China becoming a "disaster" to the world.
20/10/2001 Beijing.
Translated by Ogyen
At the time of 11/9 attacks, I was on an Environmental Education program in a Tibetan area in Qinghai. I was so shocked by the news and silently prayed for the victims in a local Tibetan temple. I agree with the international criticisms against the terrorists, which I am not going to repeat here but I want to share some other thoughts.
While praying for the American victims, I recalled the series of blasts that had taken place in Tibet. The explosion that destroyed Karzey prefecture government gate in Khangding city more than a month before 11/9 incident, which is nothing as compared to 11/9--- slightly injured two guards. But is there anything common between the two?
Being Buddhists, Tibetans believe in compassion and peace, not jihad. Their spiritual leader the Dalai Lama also repeatedly emphasizes Tibetans to follow non-violent paths. Then why are there still people resort to violence, even continuously (three blasts in Khangding alone this year)? I can understand this (though I completely oppose it) --- that is because of desperation. Violence is the only option left when people are forced to a limit of desperation where no other solution is available. Though violence cannot change the situation, it can at least express resistance to relieve the mind that is filled with hatred. The first explosion from the terrorists is the explosion of their hatred.
Terrorism is a behavior of the weak. Although Osama Bin Laden is wealthy, Al-Qaida is well organized and having a large membership, as compared to his enemy --- the US and the western world, he is too weak to be compared. The entire Arab, even the Islamic world is weaker than the west. Likewise, Uyghurs and Tibetans are too weak to be compared to the Chinese. I am not going to discuss here who is right and wrong, and it is not necessary that justice is always with the weak, but what can be ensured is that in the fight between the strong and weak, desperation always comes from the weaker side and hatred also most likely grows in the mind of the weak. Thus, apart from surrendering and being humiliated, terrorism becomes the only option for the hateful weak.
By violating the law, terrorists usually target civilians and public properties, which are undoubtedly crimes. However, being the weaker side, they can do nothing but to suffocate to death if they abide by the law. Imagine, how can the weak go and attack the army and strictly guarded military compound of the strong? Why would Bin Laden involve in terrorist activities if he is stronger than the US, he can simply order his army to fight the US.
When hatred reaches a definite level, it makes man go to extremes, even by sacrificing one's own life to punish the enemy. We cannot simply say terrorists are unethical and immoral; those who can sacrifice their lives are not short of moral support, but theirs are different standards of morality. On contrary, when so many innocent civilians were killed in 11/9, those extremists would definitely say America’s blockading Iraq killed more than ten thousand Iraqi children, killing few thousands Americans is far from being compensated.
This is how extreme fundamentalism is usually formed, it provides some kind of spiritual justice that justifies the avengers to deploy more sacred ethics to cover up the ethics at the conscience level. Irrespective of the justice and sacredness being unfounded, they would comfortably go and take revenge to the maximum effect indiscriminately. This type of extremism is often tied with religious faith that promises compensation in next life that enables them to dedicate lives for the cause, and thus produces what Mao Zedong used to flaunt as “spiritual atom bomb”.
Life sacrifices inspired by the ancient religious thoughts combined with swiftly developing science and technology can make a small section of people with negligible power do unimaginable destructions. 11/9 is an epitome though, it is not yet the most extreme act, like present academic development is far more advanced than that of the past, the extremists also keep trying to exceed past examples of revenge. Continuous development of science and technology, meanwhile, provides the "terror leaders" more capabilities.
Comparatively, direct attacks by the terrorists are lesser destructions, bigger destructions are indirect attacks created by diffusing the effects, and the biggest is the absence of security sense for the entire society. Terrorists are hidden and so cannot be guarded against. For guarding against few terrorists without knowing when they would sneak out and attack, society has to endlessly pay a high price. It is their opportunity to attack again whenever the protection loosens. This way, society would never be in peace and mankind would not find meaning and confidence for existence.
Then how can we eliminate terrorism? Will terrorism disappear with the elimination of terrorists and their power? This is how they likely think of the current Afghan war. However, war can destroy terrorists’ camps and their weapons but it can never destroy deep-rooted enmity bred in their hearts. Human heart is the only original source of hatred for terrorism and no weapon can destroy this hatred. In turn, wars breed fresh hatred, eliminating older terrorists creates new generations of young terrorists to succeed.
I do not believe in talks of cultural conflicts and I cannot agree explaining terrorism from Islamic point of view. It is right that most of the terror activities are from Muslim regions with Islamic cover. However, religion and culture are merely used as flags, consolidated hatred below this flag has not been borne out of religion and culture but has grown from experienced failures, humiliation, desperation and hopelessness of group of individuals.
Speaking thus, I am not protecting terrorism but pondering over how to eliminate it. According to me, the only option is to resolve hatred as when there is no hatred, there is no reason to take revenge and so acts of revenge like killing and destroying would not be necessary. I am sure some people would laugh at this unrealistic illusion and ask that the world is so vast and how would it be possible to eliminate hatred completely. Even the best society cannot do this. Even though there is the least possible hatred, we still cannot avoid the possibility of terror attacks.
I do not deny human society possibly cannot eliminate all hatreds, but we can start with eliminating group hatred at least. My so-called group can be classified on the basis of nations, classes, faiths etc --- the entire Muslims to internal sects among them, Tibet to Falun Kong, laid-off workers to residents of Taiwan etc. Each group is integrated with specific destiny, history and feelings, dreams and pursuits. I singularly talk about group hatred here because large-scale terror activities like 11/9 would only be possible with its foundation being group hatred.
Terror activities in the absence of terrorism are just normal criminal offences. Terror attacks such as 11/9 would need multiple conditions to succeed --- well-organization, huge amount of capital, long-term system planning and coordination, a few terrorists with guns or underground criminal gangs cannot succeed it. Especially the final requirement --- suicide attackers, who have to be inspired by religion and ideology, appeal with the honor of national hero can only transform them willing to donate lives. Terrorism is a system which can only be formed and maintained within a group, can be driven only with the collective hatred of the group and can only thrive with resources accumulated by the entire group. Terrorists are usually extreme religious forces, without group hatred to drive, the faith itself essentially advocates peace and promotes compassion but never encourages killing and promises heaven after death. It is group hatred that embodies extreme forces with justice and thus makes religion the weapon of revenge. The combination of extremism and religion can acquire resources and organize integration to the maximum level, and even acquires brave soldiers to sacrifice lives. 11/9 attackers were western educated people adapted to western way of life and got western benefits, they must normally be polite citizens, colleagues and neighbors, but eventually flew planes full of civilians ruthlessly into those concrete walls of cement and steel. These startling acts were not driven by individual grievances but group hatred that made them cold-bloodedly sacrifice their lives.
I believe eradicating hatred among groups in the world would end terrorism without which large-scale terror destructions like 11/9 would not take place. Those terror activities not sustained by specific doctrines, like personal revenges are not systems and so would not be of that scale; or underground gangs pursuing selfish interests would not meet their demands by committing suicides and would thus be easily grasped and prevented. This type of terror activities was always there in the past and so will not pose much of a threat in future to the extent of chain reactions the world over. Our world would ever since be much safer to live in.
If we agree eliminating group hatred being the best way to eradicate terrorism, we should now be sure of these principles: Firstly we should not let the extreme anger created by the 11/9 attacks lead the international community to respond violently but to find ways other than wars to resolve the issue. When there is a group conflict, both sides should self-reflect and invest all energy and resource to removing the group hatred but not intensifying it. Secondly we should prevent the political regime using anti-terrorism as a pretext to internally oppress specific groups of people. There are clues of Chinese government currently taking the opportunity of 11/9 to openly announce that the Uyghur rebels are terrorists. Though it is difficult to have a complete differentiation at this current period of complex phenomena but we should always be careful and at least be clear of such a standard --- though however satisfying the reasons are to prove terrorism, if it is a behavior intensifying group hatred, we should not support it. This standard should not only be the international standard of moral justice, but also the country in question, for oppression can only be effective temporarily, continuously intensifying group hatred buries much more dangerous terror explosives for future.
While resolving hatred, the stronger side should be more proactive since this hatred is usually because of historical inheritance or current policies of the stronger side; on the other hand, the weaker group is more sensitive and ready to accept themselves being respected. This mending of relationship should not only be material that has already done a lot in the past especially America. China has also visibly brought so much material progress in Tibet and East Turkistan. However, material development cannot solve all problems, especially it cannot replace spiritual needs and feelings as hatred is exactly a spiritual feeling and not material needs. So the powerful group, instead of conquering and repressing, humiliating and insulting the weaker group, they should first let the weaker group emotionally feel equal and just, respected and protected. This “invisible” initiative actually is much more effective than material compensation.
I do not believe terrorism can defeat America. However more earth-shaking 11/9 was, it would not "change history" like people presume. Terrorism is a desperate state of the weak, however desperate, what they can do is to create some troubles to the strong and the strong cannot live as comfortable as used to be, but they can never change the power imbalance between the two. Islamic world is so vast and populated though, it is not composed of only one nation and there are many governments, full of constraints and differences among them and so it is impossible to unite into a single force to challenge the west. In contrary, though China is applying 11/9 to improve its relations with the US but the western community will not trust China easily because of that, I think they will become even more suspicious of China --- a nation with a population more than all Muslims in the world combined, who collectively expressed joy and celebrated over the loss of thousands of lives in the attacks, which must have left impressions of nightmares to the west. To the western world, only Satan would enjoy such disasters, but this eastern Satan is so gigantic, letting this rise would mean the end of the west!
There are people even adding fuels to the fire by proudly calling the11/9 attacks “unrestricted warfare”, as if these attacks are just exercises of China defeating America in the future. However, people with a little insight can understand that terrorists use “unrestricted warfare” as they are hidden and can escape punishments, but a sovereign country involving in "restricted warfare" would mean fatal. You wage an unrestricted war on them and can they not do the same on you? Unrestricted wars from both sides would again mean the defeat of the weaker side. When laws are broken, the weaker side loses their protective shelters. The weak could manage to survive through the history just because they relied more on laws than the strong did. So proactive breaking of laws by the weak is a foolish suicide.
Making “unrestricted warfare” China’s external military strategy is worthless, conversely it could be used by the internal opposition forces, especially by the desperate minority extremists resulted from the government’s oppressions, who once grab “unrestricted warfare” ideology and choose terror path, creating Chinese version of 11/9 inside China is not impossible. Therefore, Chinese government and Chinese intelligentsia should realize that the ideological trend of those who speak irresponsibly should not be encouraged, but only peace, love and universal humanitarianism. Certainly, first we should start these from ourselves.
At the same time, there is no need for the western countries to be confused of Chinese appearance. According to me, the present Chinese nationalism is merely a “football hooligan style” behavior --- only cheering for one’s own team while abusing the other, it is not worth for the world to feel threatened and fear. Real nationalism is a faith like those 11/9 attackers sacrificing lives for justice. Coming to this present age of fame after centuries of upheavals, China has already lost its foundation of faith, people jostle for jeering but no one wants to join the battle. Once China becomes a pluralistic society with free information, freedom of expression, no political propaganda and brain-washing by this one-party rule, the China displayed before the world would be unimaginable, I believe this change will come soon. It should be understood that the Chinese problem is not the problem of Chinese people but that of the government. Only by changing this autocratic power, we can avoid China becoming a "disaster" to the world.
20/10/2001 Beijing.
回复删除qiumazha 我是从这篇文章才知道王力雄的。记得当时读完后叹服作者缜密的思维,认为这是一个少有的没有民粹思想的思考民族问题的学者。于是开始追踪看。当时有一个疑惑,即文章中呼吁的“在化解仇恨方面,强势族群应该作为主动一方"中提到的”强势“。谁是强势?这个疑问至今仍在。@degewa
degewa 强势…这个不言而明吧。蚂蚱兄一定有自己的看法。。
qiumazha 强势不应该只是单纯的物质力量的比较。精神上的强势有时比任何物化的东西都要强大和具有毁灭性。圣战就是。对在明处的国家、社会、个人来说,暗处的每一次哪怕是一个爆炸的雷管,造成的伤害都是强势对弱势无辜者的。更何况让单纯意义上的强势主动和解其动力来源何处?
qiumazha 权力是春药,“权力使人保持年轻”(丘吉尔语)。强势的权力凭什么弯下腰和弱势进行沟通和解。坦率地说,我从来不相信政治道德。理想和道德作为准则在政治活动中是重要的,但这仅限于民主政府。把道德作为方法来施政几乎行不通,即使在西方也是如此。问题出来了:什么才能使权力弯腰?
degewa 无解了
as50as 挑战权力让人上瘾
qiumazha 当你承认无解时,再读王兄的这篇文章,你就会感慨良多。我就是。我无法不认同王兄的观点,几乎所有的都认同。但,我好像除了认同之外,就是认同而已。这是一种什么样的阅读经历啊。
degewa 不禁想起崔健唱的:“我的理想在哪儿,我的身体在这儿…”
li2nd 戈尔巴乔夫和叶利钦解散苏共解体苏联,如果不认为是政治道德作用那该怎解?
avb001 在专制体制下,权力不具备柔韧性,只有被折断这一种可能性。
qiumazha 一个好问题。我引用尼克松的话:”伟大的思想可以改变历史,但只能在产生了能给这些思想以力量的伟大领袖之后才能实现。“前苏联解体是否是道德起作用我不敢妄下定论,但有一点肯定:现在的俄罗斯仍是寡头政治。 @li2nd 戈尔巴乔夫和叶利钦解散苏共解体苏联,如果不认为是政治道德作用那该怎解?
达赖喇嘛抵洛杉矶演说 青年学生关注西藏文化(组图)
当地时间早上九点,南加大盖伦中心(Galen Center)门外排起长约三百米的队伍,数以千计的群众等候进场。针对西藏流亡政府刚投票选举洛桑桑盖为新任总理,走在队伍里的中国留学生郭同学说:“我还真不知道这事,那可能是藏族的政治需要。我去过西藏两次,了解到很多有关藏族的事,他们有个很明确的问题,对‘政教合一’制度来说,藏族要选出领导人或活佛,要在圆寂以后才能选,这不是简简单单地说想要推派谁,或是通过选举就能产生,达赖喇嘛已有很高岁数,下一任领导人怎么做?或怎么选?都是值得关注的问题。”
本次演讲会主办方南加大宗教和谐小组(Student Interfaith Council)安排达赖喇嘛接受学生上网和现场提问,但未安排媒体近距离录像或访问,而中国学生对西藏自治和信仰文化最感兴趣。
唯色也喜欢崔健么? 曾经整夜整夜地听他的经典: ‘一块红布’,‘让我在雪地里撒点儿野’,‘花房姑娘’等等等等, 据说“一块红布”有影射“六”“四”,唯独对他的‘新长征路上的摇滚’不解,那算是红歌么?
关于六四的一首英文歌:blood is on the square,广场上的热血。