噶伦赤巴:藏语,Kalon Tripa,总理或首相。
西藏的现状是教民为教主负责,教主维护教民。不一定这就是维护西藏。与其说维护西藏的利益,还不如说维护教民的利益。几千年没有变,即就是共产党来了“百万农奴都解放”了,这个事实是没有变的。尤其是今天藏语被贬为中国社会之外的,不入流的非官方语言的时候。西藏人仍然视教主为领袖的事实,不是改变选举形式而改变,如今,西藏的现状仍然是达赖喇嘛是第一位,谁也不能够替代,这是一个现实,也是一个事实。因为这个事实是自从固始汗赐予西藏的大喇嘛为“达赖喇嘛”开始。注定达赖喇嘛要受别人的摆布,也注定了达赖喇嘛借此试图摆布别人。从此不但西藏的教民听从于达赖喇嘛,还有固始汗的承民也听从教主达赖喇嘛。因而,搞不清谁在直接受着谁的控制,也搞不清楚谁在间接控制着谁。大到国家是这样,小到乡下也是这样,今天中国的有些事国家主席说了,也没有几十年流浪在外的达赖喇嘛说了算。印度也是一样,即就是达赖喇嘛怎么说他退休了,他的威信内部是他个人能够控制的,即就是藏人的新总理也难免不受控制。即就是政教完全脱离,就像今天在中国藏区那样。也是不可能不受交易的控制。所以共产党要控制教。kalon tripa能不能够控制住各个教派?各个教主能不能听从于总理的调遣,那还得另当别论。
回复删除Kalon Tripa should be a great pioneer
For the forthcoming Kalon Tripa election, the Tibetan exile community has to make an important choice based on the critical question: which task should have more priority, to manage the exile community or to resolve the Tibetan issue? In the former case, they should vote for someone with a sense of justice, familiar with the exile government’s working system and operation, having a close tie with the Indian government and has to be able to keep good relations with the west. However, in the later case, they should have different expectations from him.
The leaders from the older generation have achieved a great deal in nurturing the exile community and have put so much effort in resolving the Tibetan issue. However, majority of the Tibetans I have met feel that their works are unrealistic and they are in the wrong direction, and so not satisfied with what they have done. This opinion is not necessarily true but has already been formed, including His Holiness being seen as away from reality. Though the high prestige of His Holiness can still guarantee support of the majority for his Middle-Way approach, this comes out of obedience and not of they being convinced of his approach. So genuine enthusiasm for this approach is lacking among the public. Apart from the believing older generation, majority people in exile doubt if this approach would bring a concrete result. The older generation can’t convince them with the actual future prospects and so is difficult to excite them with enthusiasm.
This is the first Kalon Tripa election with many contestants. Considering His Holiness’ age and changes taking place in China, next Kalon Tripa has to most probably face a critical juncture of history and will need to be more independently play an important role. Sadly, with this afore-said background, many people are simply excited of a leader about to come, merely thinking that the next Kalon Tripa should be someone different from the present one without considering this critical question. In this large-scale spectrum of the Kalon Tripa election, voters usually recognize the contestants from their external images but not the truth. The contestants also contest by utilizing their popularity among the populace and are not able to initiate unique programs with new ideas. In this case, even the democratic means of election does not necessarily elect the right leaders.
Matured democracies have professional teams like experts, universities and think-tanks to help and thus even-though the elected leaders lack in certain qualifications, they can be compensated and so the outcome cannot go so wrong. But exile Tibetan community doesn’t have these facilities and so the elected leaders must have themselves enough wisdom and profound ideas to open up new routes and lead Tibet to a bright future.
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