"Tsering Woeser is honoured for her courage in speaking for those who are
silenced and oppressed, for her compelling combination of literary quality and
political reportage, for recording, articulating and supporting Tibetan culture,
and for her active commitment to self-determination, freedom and development in
Tibet." - Prince Claus Awards Committee, June 2011. http://www.princeclausfund.org/en/network/user/id/420
Tibetan writer Woeser receives Prince Claus Award for outstanding cultural achievement and influence
ICT Europe press release, September 5, 2011
Amsetrdam, 5 September: The well-known essayist and blogger Woeser, who lives in Beijing, has been awarded a Prince Claus Award by the Netherlands-based Prince Claus Fund for her outstanding achievements in the field of culture.
The Prince Claus Awards are presented annually to individuals, groups and organisations in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean for their outstanding achievements in the field of culture and development and the positive effect of their work on their direct environment and on the wider cultural or social field. A press release by the Prince Claus Fund yesterday announcing the news, stated: “We are delighted to honour Woeser whose writings offer a unique perspective on the complexity of the current situation in Tibet.” : http://www.prinsclausfonds.nl
Tsering Jampa, Executive Director of the International Campaign for Tibet in Europe, said today: “This award is richly-deserved; Woeser is one of the most eloquent and fiercest critics of Chinese oppression in Tibet, who has demonstrated breath-taking courage in documenting the struggle to preserve a unique and precious cultural identity. This important award also honours many more Tibetan writers and intellectuals, many of whom are serving long prison sentences and have endured torture simply for expressing the truth in their work.”
The news of the award yesterday coincided with the 18th International Book Fair in Beijing, of which the Netherlands is host country. Tsering Jampa said: “We are working together with International PEN in the Netherlands and Amnesty International in raising awareness about Tibetan writers in prison. The Prince Claus Award for Woeser draws attention to their importance as they seek to peacefully articulate their concerns, and voice the sense of anguish, loss and dispossession due to the repression in Tibet today. We have urged Dutch writers at the Book Fair to hold these individuals in their thoughts and to speak about them whenever possible.”
Professor Tsering Shakya, an expert in contemporary Tibetan writing, compares Woeser's situation to that of the late Russian dissident writer, Solzhenitsyn, saying: "It is the duty of courageous writers to speak of the unspeakable and lift the veil from the dark corners where horror is hidden...The events of March 2008 created a new memory and it will be narrated from generation to generation. Today, memory is no longer hidden...but advertised in cyberspace to share with the rest of the world - and in this respect Woeser occupies a unique position as chronicler of modern Tibetan memory. Her blog [and writings] have become the voice of Tibet."
Woeser was born in Lhasa, but grew up speaking Chinese after her father, who served in the People's Liberation Army, was transferred to a Tibetan area in Sichuan Province. As a member of the privileged elite, she was later admitted to a Chinese literature program for minority nationalities. It was only when she moved back to Lhasa as a young woman, where she worked as an editor for the leading Tibetan literary magazine, that she began to discover the reality of Tibet's past and to learn about Tibetan Buddhism. While in Lhasa, Woeser (who, like many Tibetans, is known by just one name) began to document the effects of religious repression, massive immigration of Chinese and unbalanced economic development. In 2004, after her book 'Notes on Tibet' was banned, she was informed that all her working hours would be devoted to political re-education. She moved to Beijing, and she later married Wang Lixiong, an author and commentator on Tibet who has been outspoken in his support for human rights and his willingness to take seriously the needs and concerns of Tibetans. In various ground-breaking essays, Wang Lixiong has outlined why he thinks that the Dalai Lama is the key to resolve the question of Tibet, and in March he was a signatory to a letter urging dialogue between Chinese leaders and the Dalai Lama, so as to "eliminate animosity and bring about national reconciliation".(http://www.savetibet.org/news/newsitem.php?id=1245).
Woeser has published almost daily updates and comments online since March 2008, when an overwhelmingly peaceful uprising across the Tibetan plateau transformed the political landscape. At the height of the protests, more than 3 million internet users visited Woeser's blog, and her daily updates were translated into numerous languages. The personal stories she includes in her writing - the blind monk who committed suicide, the lama who was beaten when he tried to prevent a protest from escalating - bring home to the outside world the reality of the current crackdown in Tibet and its deeper significance.
'Tibet's True Heart', Woeser's new collection of poetry, translated from Chinese and with comprehensive notes, can be purchased online for $22 plus shipping from http://www.raggedbanner.com/
ICT discussion of Woeser’s work: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsdvukeCPQU
A video showing American writer Martha Southgate reading Woeser's work for an America PEN event can be viewed at: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=yCaIr45DusE
发表于荷兰在线 5 September 2011 - 11:49am
而今年的克劳斯亲王最高荣誉大奖授予了一个名为“ Chimurenga (为自由而斗争)”的以文化、艺术和政治为主题的泛非刊物。
回复删除唯色得獎,我們也跟著硬沾點光! 唯色加油,境內紅臉同胞們加油,境外的同胞們加大油!
回复删除Woeser receives international honour
回复删除Phayul[Tuesday, September 06, 2011 01:30]
Woeser in a file photo.
DHARAMSHALA, September 6: The fearless Tibetan writer and blogger Woeser has been awarded a Prince Claus Award for the year 2011 by the Netherlands-based Prince Claus Fund.
Calling the 44-year old, a “courageous Tibetan writer,” the Prince Claus Fund in a release September 4 noted the “unique perspectives” that Woeser offers “on the complexities of Tibet today.”
“Woeser is honoured for her courage in speaking for those who are silenced and oppressed, for her compelling combination of literary quality and political reportage, for recording, articulating and supporting Tibetan culture, and for her active commitment to self-determination, freedom and development in Tibet,” the release said.
The Prince Claus Fund, inaugurated in 1996 and named in honour of Prince Claus of The Netherlands are presented annually to individuals, groups and organisations in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean for their outstanding achievements in the field of culture and development and the positive effect of their work on their direct environment and on the wider cultural or social field.
Through the Prince Claus Awards, each year the Fund honours eleven cultural pioneers “who expand the margins of freedom of expression, dare to take risks and inspire others”.
In a release, September 5, the Executive Director of the Netherland based International Campaign for Tibet in Europe, Tsering Jampa said that the award for Woeser “is richly-deserved.”
“Woeser is one of the most eloquent and fiercest critics of Chinese oppression in Tibet ... This important award also honours many more Tibetan writers and intellectuals, many of whom are serving long prison sentences and have endured torture simply for expressing the truth in their work," Jampa said.
During the mass demonstrations against Chinese rule and violent crackdown in 2008, Woeser’s blogs became the main source of information for the world. Relaying details from her contacts in Tibet, Woeser posted daily reports on the protests, human rights abuses and extrajudicial killings. At the height of the protests, more than 3 million internet users visited Woeser's blog and her daily updates were translated into numerous languages.
Presently living in Beijing, Woeser has undergone house arrest and harassment, her websites have been closed down, her movements are restricted and her life under constant surveillance.
Woeser has been barred on earlier occasions by Chinese authorities from leaving China to accept the Norwegian Author’s Union’s 2007 Freedom of Expression Prize in Oslo and the International Women's Media foundation’s 2010 ‘Courage in Journalism award' in New York.
回复删除(博讯北京时间2011年9月07日 转载)
来源:德国之声中文网 作者:吴雨
9月5日,克劳斯亲王基金会网站上公布了本年度克劳斯亲王奖的获奖者名单,藏人作家唯色成为十位获奖者之一,最高荣誉大奖则授予了一个名为" Chimurenga (为自由而斗争)"的反映非洲自由思想的文化、艺术和政治为主题的泛非刊物。
數年前,在我對中國統治下的西藏真況懵懂未知時,唯色的博客─看不見的西藏與民間藏事,讓我一點一滴的逐漸看到在西藏發生的真況,也讓我看到藏人們的渴望。唯色作為作家選擇說出西藏事實,付出的代價是中國政府剝奪她的工作與居所,狀況糟時還會被失蹤或被國保請喝茶去。但華人世界與國際卻因唯色的博客與作品,能看到中國掩蓋下真實的西藏,國際多與肯定,2007年12月,獲印度的西藏記者協會頒發的“無畏言論者”獎和挪威作家聯盟頒發的“自由表達獎”。2010年3月20日,獲獨立中文筆會第五屆林昭紀念獎。2010年5月10日,獲國際婦女傳媒基金會(International Women's Media Foundation,IWMF)2010年度新聞勇氣獎。今年再獲荷蘭克勞斯親王獎。我也謝謝唯色阿佳拉讓我看到事實,與身為人可以有的勇氣
回复删除ཨ་ཅག་ལགས། སྐུ་ཉིད་ལ་རྟེན་འབྲེལ་ཞུ། ཁྱེད་ནི་ངེད་གངས་ཅན་པའི་གཟི་བརྗིད་དང་། མིག་དཔེར་ལྟ་ས་ཞིག་ཡིན། ང་ཚོ་དུས་ནམ་ཡང་ཨ་ཅག་ཁྱེད་དང་ལྷན་དུ་ཡོད།
回复删除唯色啦获奖实至名归!恭喜你!我为你骄傲! 扎西
回复删除2011年 9月 06日
记者: 齐勇明 | 华盛顿
图片来源: Prince Claus Fund Website
唯色得知获得克劳斯亲王奖后深有感触地说:“从一个广泛的意义上来说,(获奖)是对于藏人的处境或西藏现实的一个关注。该奖评价也是说我对当今西藏的复杂性提供一个特殊的视角。 所以我也觉得这个荣誉既是属于我自己,也是和我的民族有关系的。”
唯色今年7月在台湾出版了她的新书《西藏 2008》,她说这本书是以文学的方式讲述西藏这几年来所发生的真实故事。
她在谈到这本新书时说, 这本书出版,正值当局所说的“西藏和平解放60周年”。“那么,我愿意把本书呈现给世人看--何以在‘解放’这么多年之后,‘翻身农奴’要起来反抗‘解放’他们的人?”
唯色曾多次获奖。她于2007年12月获印度的西藏记者协会颁发的“无畏言论者”奖和挪威作家联盟颁发的“自由表达奖”。2010年3月20号,唯色获独立中文笔会第五届林昭纪念奖,但由于无法得到出境手续,她没能前往香港领奖。 同年5月10日,唯色获国际妇女传媒基金会(IWMF)颁发的2010年度新闻勇气奖。
克劳斯亲王奖每年评出11名获奖者,其中最高荣誉大奖1名,“克劳斯亲王奖”10名,他们分别将获得10万欧元和2万5千欧元的奖金。西藏知名女作家唯色成为获得2011年度“克劳斯亲王奖”的十名获奖者之一。而本年度克劳斯亲王最高荣誉大奖授予了以文化、艺术和政治为主题的泛非刊物“ Chimurenga (为自由而斗争)”。