而在 “平安成都”的微博下面有很多评论,值得一看,出现频率最多的词可能是“藏蛮子”。有条评论说“又是藏蛮子干的好事!”
很巧合的是,恰在同时,有神秘之人在我博客有关自焚藏人的帖子下留言,请注意最后一句话:“8号上午,成都武侯区一小区里,因为经济纠纷,三个藏族用刀宰了另外三个他们同胞,唯色,这种藏族自相残杀的事要说说呦!别总是把他们捧上天,让大家误认为他们是洁白的天使,他们粗鲁蛮横的、善于用简单暴力解决所有事情的民族性也应该让大家见识见识。” 再次提醒,请注意最后一句话,大有深意。
Former British resident held after Buddhist killed in China
A man named as one of two suspects by Chinese police in the fatal stabbing of a leading British Buddhist had lived in the UK for five years, the dead man's brother has said.
Choje Akong Rinpoche, the founder of Samye Ling Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Scotland, died during a confrontation over money in the Chinese city of Chengdu.
The abbot, his nephew and driver were killed and a man named by Chengdu police as Tu Dan Gu Sha, also known as Thubten Kunsal was arrested.
Relatives of the victim said he had previously spent more than five years in the UK, and returned to China two years ago.
"Whilst residing in the UK he made religious statues at our monastery in Scotland and our London centre. He left very happy and there was no question of any economic dispute," Lama Yeshe Rinpoche, the abbotts brother said. "According to an official microblog post by the Chengdu police force, the three suspects confronted my brother and the other two victims, with knives, at his home in Chengdu in what is being described as an “economic dispute”.
"We strongly refute any claims that Thubten Kunsal was owed money by Akong Rinpoche, the monastery or our London centre. When he was with us in the UK we supported his living expenses as agreed in writing, and there was never any dispute about that."
Akong, 73, who had lived in Britain since 1963, founded co-Samye Ling in 1967 in a former nurses' home in Eskdalemuir, Dumfries and Galloway. It was the first Tibetan Buddhist monastery in the West, and is home to a community of around 60 monks and lay-people.
Reports of his death by stabbing Tuesday were met with shock and sadness among Tibetans.
"He was kind and astute, and earned the respect of the community," said Tibetan writer and activist Tsering Woeser, who met the monk in 2003 in a western Chinese town where he was preparing for a charity school project.
The monk, a British citizen, was attacked by three Tibetans at his residence in the southwestern Chinese city of Chengdu on Tuesday and was killed along with his nephew and a driver, Chengdu police said.
Police said the attack occurred after negotiations over a financial dispute soured.
There are no indications so far that the murder was driven by sectarian or political factors, said Robbie Barnett, a Tibet expert at New York's Columbia University. "He was very judicious in political matters and was careful not to be assertive on such matters, so did not attract serious hostility from either side," Barnett said.
Britain's Foreign Office confirmed the death of a British citizen in Chengdu and said a consular team had traveled to the city to "liaise with Chinese authorities about this case."
The monk's philanthropic work in China won him respect and admiration among Tibetans, who referred to him using the honorary title of Rinpoche.
"Akong Rinpoche was very committed to the Tibetan community. He tried to come to China almost every year and helped build many schools for Tibetans," Woeser said.
Born in 1939, Tarap Shetrup Akong was groomed to become an abbot in a Tibetan monastery, but fled to India after the 1959 Communist takeover of Tibet. He settled in England in 1963 and later co-founded the Samye Ling Monastery in Scotland in 1967, the first Tibetan Buddhist center to be established in the West.
金剛持慈尊廣定大司徒巴也準備了一份藏文及英文的訊息及一段影片給予三昧耶林的僧團、全世界三昧宗(Samye Dzong)中心、Rogpa慈善信託基金受託人、度母醫療基金受託人、已故非常尊貴的阿貢仁波切的支持者、義工和信眾,鼓勵他們繼續非常尊貴的阿貢仁波切崇高的事業。已故非常尊貴的阿貢仁波切最重要的事業之一是在藏地和尼泊爾建立了將近200所學校,這些學校必須由受託人及支持者繼續進行下去,因為數以千計的學童在這些學校受教育,同時可能為數以萬計年輕的學生及下一世代帶來光明而有意義的的未來。
金剛持慈尊廣定大司徒巴也透過電話給予喇嘛耶謝羅梭及瑞士的Lea Wyler小姐建議及鼓勵(Lea Wyler小姐是已故阿貢仁波切之下,Rokpa慈善基金的主要負責人),繼續人道主義及教育工作,以及度母醫療基金的治療及醫藥事業,這項事業是已故阿貢仁波切終生奉獻的主要事業之一。
全世界的目光正在聚焦人权理事会的会议,聆听着最重要的声音.. 什么美国政府关门、美债违约这种小破事谁在乎!