











Must Elected Government Vulgarize?

Written by Wang Lixiong

Translated by Ogyen

Recently I met a Taiwanese professor who researches on Tibetan exile community. He thinks that the last general election for Kalon Tripa reflected progress in democracy, but meanwhile, added to his worries.

He views the exile Tibet a “migration --- further migration” society but not “migration --- return” one. Whether Tibetans escaped from Tibet or born in exile, all want to migrate to the west, making India merely a springboard in between. The generation of the Dalai Lama and Somdong Rinpoche mainly focused on rebuilding and maintaining the Tibetan traditional culture which they have really achieved a lot by turning Tibetan exile community to a base for cultural preservation. But now, most of the outstanding Tibetans have migrated to the west and those who have not are yearning to migrate. After taking office by the new government, Lobsang Sangay being educated in the west, relatively lacks as far as the field of traditional culture is concerned; also surviving within a democratic system where position and power are held by votes, will he, in order to cater voters’ wishes, start a fresh trend of intensified migrations? Those who are in India too, for the pursuits of their own welfares, are Indianized and localized. Thus, drives this cultural base rebuilt by the older generation to decline.

This professor has personally experienced Taiwan's democratization. Because daily life is the top priority to the voters, political destiny of an elected government is also upto whether this priority is taken care of and thus government policies change accordingly from long-term ideals to practical realities of daily life that eventually renders irreversible. This is the process of vulgarization by an elected government. With the exile Tibetan government turning to elected government, will it also follow this same pattern? Though the exile government claims to be the government for all the Tibetans, votes that form this government come only from outside Tibet and mainly from the exile settlements, thereby satisfying the need of these settlements becomes the chief force for the government to take directions since following the votes is the only option if you want to win.

However, the Tibetan exile social structure is different from that of Taiwan, which can resist vulgarization to some extent: Firstly, the Tibetans, their religion and symbolic figures are all outside Tibet and so they keep maintain long-term and broad visions. Secondly, daily life of the Tibetan refugees outside India is not much related to the government and thus their requirement from the government is resolution of the Tibetan issue. Thirdly, the new-comers from Tibet would not enter and settle in those settlements and mentally still in Tibet. Fourthly, huge number of monks and nuns in exile would take more care of their culture. Fifthly, the exile parliament is based on a system of separate elections for the three provinces which though is not so compatible with the democratic principle of equality, it helps people being conscious with Tibetanness rather than the place of their origins.

Nevertheless, what this Taiwanese professor worries should be given importance too especially when Tibetans prepare to persist in exile for generations, for the effect of time is gradual but great.

9 条评论:

  1. 王力雄,把西藏和中國的關係說成是供施關係是不對的.實際上是西藏佛教的輻射範圍包括了蒙古人統治國家地區和滿洲人的國家和地區把西藏的上師看作個人精神的導師.也把邀請西藏佛教和諸多高僧調節國家間的矛盾,地區間的矛盾.聽法的時候都是皇帝座下面或者後面.如同凡蒂剛對其他國家的影響一樣.如果非要以供施關係來說.那供養國是滿清國,施法的是西藏的喇嘛.

  2. 雖然流亡政府民主化,但是流亡政府不是一般的政府,他的功能很清楚是回到圖博,是帶領境內外圖博人民爭取自由,不是一般民主政府服務人民的,這是完全不同的概念,所以,真正的問題在於流亡政府自己知不知道自己存在的價值,不是為了服務「選民」─流亡能投票的藏人,而是在從事圖博自由事業。而且,這也是大部分「選民」心所繫的。如果用一般民主政府的角度來看待流亡政府,是很可笑的,因為它沒有領土也沒有管轄區。因此,如果流亡的博巴中有人主張政府應該對流亡博巴的什麼福利改善等等議題,那就是有點文不對題了。

  3. 台湾的庸俗化,不适用于西藏流亡藏人。

  4. 现在西藏进行的汉语教育 是中华文化的辐射 范围包括了韩国、朝鲜、蒙古、中亚、巴基斯坦、印度、中南半岛。我大中华威武!!!

  5. 关键看是否收了税,如果收了税福利问题必须要操心。

  6. 西藏2008的话值得听一听。

  7. 不要向古人看齐,要向今天信息时代的盖尔秋思看起。不要把别人丰厚的施舍当成是自己的丰功伟绩。把自己的喇嘛作为人质被别人扣留看作是西藏人的聪明才智的顶点之举。不要把那个给难民的救济看的呢么重要。西藏人独立自主的概念,要从意识开始,要从信息开始做起。不要把一个模糊概念更加模糊,不要把想象的幻觉当成圣神的东西。

  8. 对了,我觉得如今达赖喇嘛退出政治舞台后,流亡政府面对的最严重的危机将会是外交危机。因为,各个国家的办事处都是以达赖喇嘛办事处命名的假如今天达赖喇嘛退出了流亡政府,那么在各国的达赖喇嘛办事处的合法化,就有可能受到各国政府的质疑。这这个问题不知道噶伦洛桑僧给怎样处理。

  9. 唯色,谢谢你~~`不管你来自哪里不管你是什么名族,在我心里你都是我们同胞们的朋友~~~谢谢`~真心的谢谢你 小扑
